Carrot juice pimp.
- Dec 14, 2021
- 1,372
Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the world today, once quite rare, it is now predicted that almost 1 in every 2 people will be diagnosed with it in some form during their lives. That's half the population.
Conventional treatments can be very harmful and their effectiveness leaves a lot to be desired.
There are cases of cancer being effectively treated and cured naturally, I will present a few noteworthy ones here. (There are many, but sometimes the details are sketchy, or they involve very drastic or potentially dangerous remedies, so I have only mentioned a few here because of their apparent simplicity and safety, and overall reliable testimony.)
Disclaimer: I am not suggesting that all cancer can be cured naturally, only that some people have managed to do it. It is my hope that in the near future, science and technology will be applied to effectively cure all cancer without harm, but we are certainly not there right now. If anyone here suffers from cancer or knows somebody who is, they deserve to know about these natural cures in case they may benefit.
Josie Nunez - Josie had terminal Medulloblastoma (brain cancer), for which she underwent surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. The cancer returned with a vengeance, metastasizing to other areas such as the spine. Conventional treatment failed, left her very sick, and she was sent home to die. Miraculously her parents were able to cure her with advice from Dr. Bernardo, using fresh juices and a pH stabilizing alkaline diet approach. She was featured on an episode of The Incurables. https://cancercompassalternateroute.com/testimonials/brain-cancer-healed-with-natural-therapies/
Ralph Cole - Squamous cell carcinoma, metastasized to the lymph nodes. After trying chemotherapy and radiation, he ended up treating and curing his cancer when it returned with carrot juice and diet changes including cutting out sugar. https://www.chrisbeatcancer.com/ralph-cole-cured-cancer-with-carrot-juice/
Anne Cameron - A childrens' book author, diagnosed with stage IV metastatic colon cancer and lung cancer. Amazingly, she cured herself with carrot juice alone. No chemo, radiation, diet changes, or anything except carrot juice. She wrote a book about her experience in 2015 called "Curing cancer with carrots" https://www.chrisbeatcancer.com/ann-cameron-cured-her-cancer-with-carrot-juice/
Dieneke Ferguson - beat multiple myeloma with curcumin from turmeric https://casereports.bmj.com/content/2017/bcr-2016-218148.full https://www.chrisbeatcancer.com/how-dieneke-ferguson-beat-multiple-myeloma-with-curcumin/
Danny McDonald - cured his stage IV metastatic stomach cancer with wheatgrass juice https://cancercompassalternateroute...-cancer-stage-4-healed-with-wheatgrass-juice/
A 48 year old man cures his chronic lymphocytic leukemia with an extract of green tea, EGCG (Epigallocatechin-3-gallate) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26858922/
A 59 year old man with metastatic melanoma declined traditional therapy (the patient was offered systemic therapy with both immunotherapy and targeted therapy) and used over the counter supplement IP6+inositol instead. To his doctor's surprise, he achieved a complete remission and remains cancer-free 3 years later, after using IP6+inositol alone https://journals.lww.com/melanomare...l_hexaphosphate_plus_inositol_induced.15.aspx
A 47 year old woman cures her pulmonary spindle cell carcinoma, deemed unresectable after failing conventional treatments, with germanium from health food store -
"...Despite two additional cycles of mesna, adriamycin, ifosfamide, and dacarbazine, her symptoms worsened and she had radiographic evidence of tumor progression. The patient opted to discontinue all therapy. While on a cruise 6 weeks later, the patient met a man who claimed that daily self-medication with germanium had cured him of oat cell carcinoma of the lung that was diagnosed 15 years earlier. The patient started daily self-medication with the same regimen (bis-betacarboxyethygermanium sesquioxide, 7.2 g qd, followed by a taper of the drug). Within a few days of beginning therapy, she felt her lungs "opening up" and required less supplemental oxygen. A chest radiograph 3 months later revealed 60% clearing of the left lung, and thoracic CT scans at 5 and 7 months showed near complete disappearance of the thoracic mass (Fig 1, bottom, B). At the time of this report, 4 years after initial diagnosis, the patient continues to show no evidence of recurrent disease and has also continued to take low-dose germanium sesquioxide. The patient denies any significant side effects from her treatment." https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10669709/
74 year old woman cures stage IV metastatic melanoma with only the herb Thyme. https://www.jaad.org/article/S0190-9622(04)03675-8/fulltext
Finally, there is the story of my grandfather. He had Hodgkins lymphoma and underwent chemo and radiation therapy, which made him extremely ill and did not cure his disease. Even though he eventually died from various health complications, he was able to effectively treat his cancer using the Soursop fruit and leaves from the Soursop fruit tree (Annona Muricata) after the doctors treatments failed.
There are so many more stories, but these are good ones to start with as they show that even people who have failed their treatments, with very advanced and deadly cancers, have made a recovery using the most simple of natural treatments. I hope that this helps you, or someone you love who may be facing cancer.
I wish you all the very best forever and always,
Conventional treatments can be very harmful and their effectiveness leaves a lot to be desired.
There are cases of cancer being effectively treated and cured naturally, I will present a few noteworthy ones here. (There are many, but sometimes the details are sketchy, or they involve very drastic or potentially dangerous remedies, so I have only mentioned a few here because of their apparent simplicity and safety, and overall reliable testimony.)
Disclaimer: I am not suggesting that all cancer can be cured naturally, only that some people have managed to do it. It is my hope that in the near future, science and technology will be applied to effectively cure all cancer without harm, but we are certainly not there right now. If anyone here suffers from cancer or knows somebody who is, they deserve to know about these natural cures in case they may benefit.
Josie Nunez - Josie had terminal Medulloblastoma (brain cancer), for which she underwent surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. The cancer returned with a vengeance, metastasizing to other areas such as the spine. Conventional treatment failed, left her very sick, and she was sent home to die. Miraculously her parents were able to cure her with advice from Dr. Bernardo, using fresh juices and a pH stabilizing alkaline diet approach. She was featured on an episode of The Incurables. https://cancercompassalternateroute.com/testimonials/brain-cancer-healed-with-natural-therapies/
Ralph Cole - Squamous cell carcinoma, metastasized to the lymph nodes. After trying chemotherapy and radiation, he ended up treating and curing his cancer when it returned with carrot juice and diet changes including cutting out sugar. https://www.chrisbeatcancer.com/ralph-cole-cured-cancer-with-carrot-juice/
Anne Cameron - A childrens' book author, diagnosed with stage IV metastatic colon cancer and lung cancer. Amazingly, she cured herself with carrot juice alone. No chemo, radiation, diet changes, or anything except carrot juice. She wrote a book about her experience in 2015 called "Curing cancer with carrots" https://www.chrisbeatcancer.com/ann-cameron-cured-her-cancer-with-carrot-juice/
Dieneke Ferguson - beat multiple myeloma with curcumin from turmeric https://casereports.bmj.com/content/2017/bcr-2016-218148.full https://www.chrisbeatcancer.com/how-dieneke-ferguson-beat-multiple-myeloma-with-curcumin/
Danny McDonald - cured his stage IV metastatic stomach cancer with wheatgrass juice https://cancercompassalternateroute...-cancer-stage-4-healed-with-wheatgrass-juice/
A 48 year old man cures his chronic lymphocytic leukemia with an extract of green tea, EGCG (Epigallocatechin-3-gallate) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26858922/
A 59 year old man with metastatic melanoma declined traditional therapy (the patient was offered systemic therapy with both immunotherapy and targeted therapy) and used over the counter supplement IP6+inositol instead. To his doctor's surprise, he achieved a complete remission and remains cancer-free 3 years later, after using IP6+inositol alone https://journals.lww.com/melanomare...l_hexaphosphate_plus_inositol_induced.15.aspx
A 47 year old woman cures her pulmonary spindle cell carcinoma, deemed unresectable after failing conventional treatments, with germanium from health food store -
"...Despite two additional cycles of mesna, adriamycin, ifosfamide, and dacarbazine, her symptoms worsened and she had radiographic evidence of tumor progression. The patient opted to discontinue all therapy. While on a cruise 6 weeks later, the patient met a man who claimed that daily self-medication with germanium had cured him of oat cell carcinoma of the lung that was diagnosed 15 years earlier. The patient started daily self-medication with the same regimen (bis-betacarboxyethygermanium sesquioxide, 7.2 g qd, followed by a taper of the drug). Within a few days of beginning therapy, she felt her lungs "opening up" and required less supplemental oxygen. A chest radiograph 3 months later revealed 60% clearing of the left lung, and thoracic CT scans at 5 and 7 months showed near complete disappearance of the thoracic mass (Fig 1, bottom, B). At the time of this report, 4 years after initial diagnosis, the patient continues to show no evidence of recurrent disease and has also continued to take low-dose germanium sesquioxide. The patient denies any significant side effects from her treatment." https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10669709/
74 year old woman cures stage IV metastatic melanoma with only the herb Thyme. https://www.jaad.org/article/S0190-9622(04)03675-8/fulltext
Finally, there is the story of my grandfather. He had Hodgkins lymphoma and underwent chemo and radiation therapy, which made him extremely ill and did not cure his disease. Even though he eventually died from various health complications, he was able to effectively treat his cancer using the Soursop fruit and leaves from the Soursop fruit tree (Annona Muricata) after the doctors treatments failed.
There are so many more stories, but these are good ones to start with as they show that even people who have failed their treatments, with very advanced and deadly cancers, have made a recovery using the most simple of natural treatments. I hope that this helps you, or someone you love who may be facing cancer.
I wish you all the very best forever and always,