Equipped lifting always seemed very dicey to me(squat and bench anyway). You're increasing the amount of weight you can handle by multiple factors while at the same time drastically reducing your mobility because of the stiffness of the suit. If you get into a bad position and something has to give, it's probably going to be the part of your body that's not covered in rigid material.
To contribute to your fascination with accidental deaths, a somewhat common ocurrence in Brazil is death by carbon monoxyde poisoning, usually when tourists rent out old/remote properties, where a generator or some other appliance is leaking CO while the occupants are in a room with insufficient ventilation. Because CO has no smell, it is possible that you will pass out before realizing anything is going on, or that you will simply go to sleep normally and concentrations will become lethal during that time.
José Bezerra de Menezes e Luciana Bezerra morreram em 9 de setembro de 2023. Polícia Civil ainda investiga o caso por meio de inquérito, que não foi concluído.
Billionaire couple dies of monoxyde poisoning in a rental beach property. Fortunately the son and the property staff survived. The news story shows a large machine in what seems to be the basement as the cause for the leak, but I can't identify what it might be.
Posto de combustível onde dois empresários foram encontrados mortos em Cajati (SP) pode ter contribuído para a intoxicação por monóxido de carbono (CO).
A couple was found dead in their car, which was parked on a highway gas station. It was ruled that the car itself was not the source of the CO, but rather that the atmosphere in the area surrounding the old gas station proved to be lethal.
O monóxido de carbono é um gás inodoro, incolor e extremamente tóxico que pode levar à morte em poucos minutos após a inalação em ambientes fechados
Similar story. A couple was found dead inside their room in a rural inn.
Casal e dois filhos foram encontrados sem vida em casa com sinais de intoxicação por monóxido de carbono
A family of four was found dead from CO poisoning inside their apartment. According to the story, the culprit is likely a leak in a heater which had been recently installed.