- Apr 15, 2020
- 303
Hey all. I need helpful advice and perspective. I have a childhood friend/cousin who I grew up with and maintained long distance friendship up until this year. She became engaged and I only found out through Facebook. When it came to invites, her mom (my aunt) called me to invite me but also to ask for help to set up everything. I feel hurt. I feel hurt because why didn't my friend call me or or text me she was engaged or call me to invite me herself? I feel like it's personal and I feel like she is dropping me for doing this. I feel like I would never do this. Also, the last time we talked she criticized my mom to my face but I feel angry at myself for agreeing with her. Her mom has a long history of drug use and such and I never held it against her and was always polite. I genuinely thought we were friends still but now im rethinking our whole friendship and wondering if she has always disliked me or resented me if she felt comfortable enough to talk about my mom to me. I called my sister and she said "well when was the last time you talked to her" and I said summer time (again when she made that comment) and she said you can send her a joking text sort of calling her out. I kinda feel like maybe I just shouldn't talk to this friend of mine I almost do t want to go to her wedding if I wasn't good enough to call