- Jul 31, 2024
- 102
I think homeschooling damages a child beyond repair once a certain threshold is passed, and that's probably after early social-skills are learned. If your child doesn't get to socialize as a child, with other children, some part of the brain just collapses. I've talked to 'mental health' professionals and I just don't think they understand. I have great difficulty _trying_ to talk in the first place, and I just can't outline just how despairing and insane-inducing isolation was due to 'homeschooling'. They always brush it off. I think they partly don't believe me.
"Oh, you grew up isolated? Like in the country?"
No, in the suburbs. But we weren't allowed to leave the house. We never left the house.
"Why did you parents homeschool you? (Fishing for mental-disabilities that would prevent them from sending them to school.)"
Because they're religious loons who think satan is in everything. They were like a cult!! But an isolated cult of 1 family! IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE. MY PARENTS ARE MENTALLY ILL.
It's not fair. I didn't want to grow up like this. Why did no one stop my parents? Why did no one help us? It wasn't just me, my parents had multiple children. TOO MANY CHILDREN! We're all adults now, and none of us are "functioning". I want to commit suicide, but I'm scared every single one of my siblings will follow me. One has said as much. They've all tried themselves, and I've tried and been hospitalized.
The things the therapists say are just so hurtful.
"It seems like you haven't really tried."
"Well you haven't explained why you can't do this..."
"You're very nice, I think anyone could be your friend." (Ha ha ha ha! I've never had a friend.)
Just because I present myself "well" (which I think is an extreme attempt to be anything NOT like my father) they think I'm ok, and just need encouragement.
I'm not ok. I've been isolated so long I don't feel like a human. I have tinnitus and visual snow syndrome. I can't talk to people. I'm in a share place now, and I hide in my closet when I can hear one of the roommates. I'm just pure shame and regret. I can't stand being around other people, they scare me and make me feel guilty. I ruin their day. I shouldn't exist near people.
Antidepressants don't seem to do anything. I personally think I have ADHD, but as an adult without school reports (BECAUSE I DIDN'T GO TO SCHOOL) I think it's too difficult, and expensive anyway. There's something wrong with me, but even if it could be medicated I'm too far along in life. They don't get it.
"How long have you been feeling suicidal?"
My whole life.
"What was the recent trigger?"
Ha ha ha ha ha ha
"Oh, you grew up isolated? Like in the country?"
No, in the suburbs. But we weren't allowed to leave the house. We never left the house.
"Why did you parents homeschool you? (Fishing for mental-disabilities that would prevent them from sending them to school.)"
Because they're religious loons who think satan is in everything. They were like a cult!! But an isolated cult of 1 family! IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE. MY PARENTS ARE MENTALLY ILL.
It's not fair. I didn't want to grow up like this. Why did no one stop my parents? Why did no one help us? It wasn't just me, my parents had multiple children. TOO MANY CHILDREN! We're all adults now, and none of us are "functioning". I want to commit suicide, but I'm scared every single one of my siblings will follow me. One has said as much. They've all tried themselves, and I've tried and been hospitalized.
The things the therapists say are just so hurtful.
"It seems like you haven't really tried."
"Well you haven't explained why you can't do this..."
"You're very nice, I think anyone could be your friend." (Ha ha ha ha! I've never had a friend.)
Just because I present myself "well" (which I think is an extreme attempt to be anything NOT like my father) they think I'm ok, and just need encouragement.
I'm not ok. I've been isolated so long I don't feel like a human. I have tinnitus and visual snow syndrome. I can't talk to people. I'm in a share place now, and I hide in my closet when I can hear one of the roommates. I'm just pure shame and regret. I can't stand being around other people, they scare me and make me feel guilty. I ruin their day. I shouldn't exist near people.
Antidepressants don't seem to do anything. I personally think I have ADHD, but as an adult without school reports (BECAUSE I DIDN'T GO TO SCHOOL) I think it's too difficult, and expensive anyway. There's something wrong with me, but even if it could be medicated I'm too far along in life. They don't get it.
"How long have you been feeling suicidal?"
My whole life.
"What was the recent trigger?"
Ha ha ha ha ha ha