- Mar 7, 2024
- 1,228
The "runner's high" is a euphoric sensation that some people experience during or after intense exercise, often characterized by feelings of pleasure, reduced anxiety, and a sense of well-being.
Here's what we know about it:
Important Considerations:
Here's what we know about it:
- Endorphins and Beyond: While often attributed to the release of endorphins ("endorphin rush"), recent research suggests that other neurochemicals, particularly endocannabinoids, may play a more significant role.
- Endocannabinoids: These are naturally produced compounds in the body that interact with the same receptors as THC in cannabis. They can produce feelings of relaxation, euphoria, and pain relief.
- Factors that May Contribute:
- Intensity and Duration: A runner's high is more likely to occur during prolonged or intense exercise.
- Individual Variability: Not everyone experiences a runner's high. Factors like genetics, fitness level, and individual sensitivity to these neurochemicals likely play a role.
- Research:
- Research on the runner's high is ongoing.
- Scientists are still investigating the exact mechanisms and the role of different neurotransmitters in this phenomenon.
Let's get RUNNING!! (or any other kind of exercise)
Important Considerations:
- The runner's high is not guaranteed: It's not something everyone experiences, and it may not occur every time you exercise.
- Focus on overall well-being: The primary goal of exercise should be to improve your overall health and well-being, not solely to chase a runner's high.