Maybe some will believe it cowardly and/ or selfish but, I have my own arguments against that. It doesn't exactly matter whether they agree with those arguments or, even if they never hear them. I'll be dead for a start so, their judgements won't affect me. (As far as I believe anyway.)
I personally believe that, for something to be brave, there has to be a cause that benefits others or, because it feels like something worthy enough for us to feel proud of.
Currently, I think it does actually benefit my Dad not to go through the grief of my suicide. So- it does make sense to me to try to hang on for his sake. After that though, most of my relationships are estranged. I'm really just a cog in the machine of capitalism/ consumerism which- I feel no shame about leaving because I think it's utterly corrupt! I'm sure I'll be replaced very quickly. We all get replaced when we retire or die a natural death anyway.
Suicide is a selfish act but then, I would hopefully have tried to hang on as long as I could to stop it hurting my very closest loved ones. I've had ideation for 34 years. I think that's a good effort to push on through life despite wanting out for so long.
Overall, I'm pleased if a person values their own life and worth to think it's worth fighting for but, that isn't really the case for me anymore. I will have done the time for others but I think it's unreasonable to expect someone to do that indefinitely.
So basically- they can think what they want. I believe their expectations are selfish and unreasonable if they want to call me cowardly and selfish. Plus, CTB takes enormous guts I think also. I'm afraid mine very much would be a great big 'f*ck you!' To life and I have no problem with people interpreting it that way.