Don’t try to offer me help, I’ve tried everything
- Mar 10, 2020
- 3,088
I was making so much progress. I had finally reached a point where more foods were safe than weren't. I was eating plenty and the guilt was starting to fade a bit. The body checks were less and less. I wasn't consumed by thoughts of food and weight and calories anymore. Those fucking jeans ruined it all. I've fallen so far deep down that hole again. I've followed thinspo accounts. I've cut down to an apple and peanut butter for every meal with one banana and one plain greek yogurt a day and some chocolate as snacks in between. I can't fathom anything else. I need to fit into those jeans again. I hate that I can't know how much I weigh. I hate that I can't have laxatives. My life is ruled by my ED once again… Every time I think I'm freeing myself.