There's a big difference between a microdose (1/10th an average dose of dried mushrooms), an average dose (2-2.5 grams) and a heroic dose (>5 grams).
Do not use if personal or family history of schizophrenia or psychosis. IIRC do not use if you have high blood pressure.
Read the "Stamets Stack" microdosing protocol
Have at least one sitter when taking a full dose or higher
+ For those hoping to focus on their mental well-being reduce external stimuli with eye masks and headphones.
+ Huberman emphasizes use of eye mask & music for therapeutic benefit
+ eat hour or two before
+ allow 8+ hours to get back to normal
+ vomiting not unusual in first hour
+ have a specific intention for why you're taking this trip (eg, to understand why you're depressed/anxious)
+ For those hoping to focus on their mental well-being reduce external stimuli with eye masks and headphones.
+ Huberman emphasizes use of eye mask & music for therapeutic benefit
+ headache
+ nausea
+ fatigue
+ dizziness
+ vomiting not unusual in first hour
+ Do not drive or work for 24 hours
+ relaxed & open mind
+ surrender yourself to the experience, enjoy the ride
+ safe & comforting environment
+ benzodiazepine to stop trip
+ warm clothes and blanket
+ eye mask
+ vomit bucket
+ audio recording
+ snacks & drinks: yogurt; fruit & muffin; Cliff bars
+ focus on deep, slow breathing
+ notepad and pen
+ sketch pad and colored pencils
+ to rid myself of old, negative patterns of thoughts, habits and behaviors and replace them with positive, orderly, optimistic ones leading to success & happiness
+ "Trust", "Let Go," "Be Open" "Remember to Breathe"
+ 30 min to a hour to take effect
+ peak effects between 2 to 3 hours
+ after 7 hours you'll want to sleep
Best practices:
"Start low and go slow."