If you think that eating poor-quality food, smoking, and engaging in high-risk behaviors like visiting prostitutes without a condom will lead you to death from cancer or something else, you might not realize the real consequences of all this. In reality, these behaviors not only put your self-determination at risk but can also lead you into a type of suffering that is just as, if not more, devastating than your current situation: dementia.
A poor diet, combined with smoking and high-risk behaviors, can severely damage your brain, leading to neurological diseases like frontotemporal dementia, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, or vascular dementia. These diseases slowly steal your mind, making you lose the ability to do even the most basic things in daily life. While your body might continue to live, your mind could die little by little, leaving you trapped in a reality you can't control.
Additionally, behaviors like not using condoms expose you to infectious diseases such as HIV and syphilis, which could accelerate neurological damage and increase the risk of developing dementia.
So, while you may be seeking a way out of suffering, you could find yourself instead trapped in a condition that forces you to live, with no way to turn back. The death you hope for may never come, and what remains is a life of incapacity and mental pain, with the awareness that you will no longer have control over anything, not even yourself. And if a person loses their full mental faculties, they won't be able to access assisted suicide, leaving them stuck in a state of suffering with no escape.
I hate to judge, but this is a really fucking stupid idea. Death by cancer is a lot worse than even the most botched executions of the recommended methods. You might as well commit suicide by flaying.
The problem is not just cancer. It could easily result in a stroke with paralysis and so on. Can you imagine what bita it is? In a wheelchair, perhaps unable to speak and with a carer who wipes your bottom and washes you, taking away every glimmer of dignity? And who knows for how many years!