- Jul 30, 2024
- 418
I was thinking today about the real unfoundedness of the so-called religious-ethical dogmas that, with their centuries-old "civilizational" coding, keep us chained here, trapped in a vicious cycle of repetitive nonsense and futility. This bodily shell in which we are trapped is programmed for reproduction and biological survival at any cost and regardless of everything. It is the biological-technical aspect of our physicality and it is indisputable. However, the hypocritical social-civilizational codes that mantra about some alleged personal freedom are not in accordance with the true nature of our being and hypocritically serve only a dehumanized social system that rests on the unscrupulous exploitation of all natural and biological, including human resources without exception. That hypocritical order is able to celebrate "heroic self-sacrifice" only if it is in accordance with its norms of behavior that serve exclusively to control the population and the survival of the system. it's about the basics, really the most basic human right to be alone, to decide absolutely for oneself about one's survival or disappearance, about ending or ending one's life voluntarily, all social systems and religions find in the same focus uncompromising prohibitions on deciding one's own life and the right to choose and dispose of one's own life in accordance with one's beliefs. Only a few dared to tackle this problem outside the ruling, generally accepted repressive dogma. Sartre, Camus, Amery Jean, Wittgenstein, Weininger are some of the few who tried to look at the problem of suicide as "the first and most serious philosophical problem" from a completely different angle.