1 nano-second after the brain dies it's non-existence forever . Death is permanent non-existence.
Because i won't exist then i can't suffer constant unbearable pain ever , no chance of extreme torture nor anything horrible happening to me ever , no extreme suffering , no pain ever, no problems , no bad memories, no diseases, no injustice, no scams , no lies , no opression no responsibilities , no work chores no worries , no having to feed yourself all the time etc.
all of that garbage is wiped out forever . after Death nothing can matter because there will be no me . all will be forgotten as if it never happened.
non-existence forever is the only guarantee of never suffering extremely and of any of these nightmares every happening . So non-existence forever is the only perfection
however in evil life all these things are probable.
to never exist again is the best thing by a trillion times
every bit of science and common sense points to after Death is non-existence forever .
there is no evidence for any of these theories that say otherwise not a single piece of evidence.
every human alive now will die . in 150 years every human alive now will be dead and forgotten. they and everything they did will be as if they never existed. even more so in 10,000 years , in a trillion years DNA based life and this hell called earth will be as if it never existed. nothing will matter in 1000 years, in 1 million years, in a trillion years, nothing will matter. nothing matters .
nothing matters to me except avoiding unbearable pain and my suicide asap