I have major depressive disorder (MDD). I used to get treated for it, before my then psychiatrist retired mid-career. At the time, he was one of only two doc's in town, who gave or did the "shocks." His office was located conveniently right next door to the inpatient ward. Of which I was a loyal member for quite some time. Though this was a bit of time ago - now. . . When they referred me to one or two of his other, "colleagues." They wouldn't dare go near his elevated or extreme/& maximized--or "maxed-out," dosages that he'd had me on. Both in terms of my AD's and my Benzo's. So they reduced them so drastically. That it'd be like giving someone with chronic back pain, to the point where it interferes & affects their life, a couple of Ibuprofen of something.... In other words, absolutely worthless. I also saw several therapists throughout my time, maybe more. Boy, were these geniuses full of themselves, and often discovered by me to be, at least in their care & treatment of me - (more of less) a, 'joke!' For once I got inside their heads, and was able to see what they were doing, or trying to do, I could then assess and evaluate their "talents." Of which, in most all of the cases, were not very worth their salt. As I said: at least with me. Maybe they weren't that way with everyone else. Then there's friends. Here's where my error in judgement occurred. First off, in telling them anything about it in the first place. As many have for the most part, by & large, got their minds made up on the topic/subject. But I'd deludedly 'thought,' that hey? Eureka! I'll just do a fantastic & phenomenal job of EXPLAINING it to them--my situation. And then every-thing will be all right! ...because they will understand me completely, and we can carry on & so on and so forth. Well, that was a disastrous mess. Some bought it, I'd guess? For a minute, maybe. But if they were going to be anything at all resembling present in your lives on the regular, and not just distant "Facebook Friends," whom you never really need to see (or hear from, really) - then there's only going to become a point where that becomes an issue (for them). And push-comes-to-shove. For they've had it up to here, with your B. S. And that "shelf-life," is then gone. Their sympathy for you, whatever there ever was, has faded or gone & expired so now you are a clown to them. Or a pathetic excuse, because that's one thing you get, judgement passed on. And it generally isn't too kindly. Because from this moment of admission onward; or forward: they will all of a sudden be looking down on you. For you are now, 'beneath-them' in their eyes. And justifiably so, given the culture or the climate we live in. It is the popular way to think & behave (& that is to say, "believe"). We're worthless to them, when you get right on down to it. Disgust is a good word that comes to mind. When it comes to summing up how they will feel about you once you've shown them your card in this matter. It's just a matter of how soon, and when. As in, how much can they take. And how present are you in their lives? Because everybody can sound like a note-worthy and trust-worthy, loyal & respected somebody who's got your back, against all odds & every-thing else. When distance & frequency of communication are involved in the "slowing-down," or hampering of things. I guess it's all relative, maybe. Their are, or were, one or two loyal ones. They generally had their beliefs shaped, or impacted by those close to them (usually family members) whom they cared deeply and a lot about. So that first-hand experience, couldn't have hurt, to provide or give them that extra layer of padded protection for all of our incoming b--- s---! Ha...