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Dec 7, 2018
i wish to be born exactly as I am but only that other people would have not destroyed and damaged me... am already half dead.

do you think that all desires come true after suicide, that I will be reborn exactly the same... but will survive and live my life for heaven on earth ?
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Mar 21, 2019
I don't believe that, no.
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Apr 9, 2019
That's just wishful thinking sadly.
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Dec 7, 2018
How u know ? Which religion are u ? Why so many spiritualities believe in being reborn ? Hinduism ? Islam ?

I met an old lady... she had wishes and desires for being reborn.


Apr 22, 2019
I wish it was true to come back and have a happy life but i dont think so i think when u die ur gone slowly fade away......
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Apr 15, 2019
Why so many spiritualities believe in being reborn ?

Because they want to try and give purpose and meaning to life. I think it's great if that helps you to be happy and continue living. But many of us base our beliefs on evidence, and there is zero evidence of anyone in history being reborn.
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Mar 12, 2019
I see no reason to think that anything happens after death, nor that anyone is "reborn". In any case, no human's life is "heaven" on earth. Even those lucky enough to have amazing lives still have plenty of moments of discomfort and despair.

As for many religions positing rebirth, that simply means nothing. Nobody knows what happens after death. The only possible information that a religion can impart concerns what happens during life. Absolutely all religious traditions and beliefs pertaining to after life are idle speculation and nothing more.
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gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha
Apr 12, 2019
Hm. It may well be that someone's version of the afterlife is correct. That seems probable to me, even - the trouble is that many of us are unsure which version is right, and many others are thoroughly convinced of a version that's wrong.

There's a way to find out, but even that may not be decisive, because what happens to me isn't necessarily what happens to everyone.

I'm very curious about this - always have been. Dying to find out, you might say 8]
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Jan 19, 2019
There is an afterlife I believe(or hope at least)

It just won't be anything like the religions.
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Mar 5, 2019
The afterlife only exists in your head
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¡Si hablas español mándame un mensaje privado!
Apr 9, 2018
This is the kind of thing that people believe when they are trying to cope with their deaths. We don't have any proof, you should expect nothingness.
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Apr 1, 2019
How u know ? Which religion are u ? Why so many spiritualities believe in being reborn ? Hinduism ? Islam ?

I met an old lady... she had wishes and desires for being reborn.
Islam has rebirth? I don't think it does.
As for Hinduism, well their idea of reincarnation isn't anything like yours. I mean, it had more to do with karma, and you're certainly not born as yourself again. If anything, one would say that you're suffering in this life because if something you did in your previous life. Pretty ridiculous in my opinion, but make of it what you will.

As for your original question, I suppose it's be regarded as appealing by many. I don't think it'll happen, but it's as likely as any other hypothesis about the afterlife, assuming that there is an afterlife to begin with, and that doesn't seem probable at all.
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Distracting myself through Life
Apr 7, 2019
No, theres no afterlife or other things. Just nothing. In 10min i go to bed and if i don't wake up i wouldnt even know it - its that simple for me.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
I don't believe in an afterlife and to my understanding is that once you are dead, you cease to exist and experience anything. It is the lack of perception of perception, no pain, pleasure, or any sense, just complete darkness and void.
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Jan 2, 2019
Why not? No one knows what happens when we die. I would like to believe life is like a video game. We get to play again but this time with more knowledge. Maybe life and death are like that — each time we die, we are reborn and bring with us all that wisdom into the next life. There could be parallel universes too. We could have infinite lives. Those who say they know for sure what happens after we are dead...who knows. Ofc they could be right; they could be wrong. Sometimes I think this is all a simulation. We are so influenced by our upbringing which depends on so many variables. One could never be exposed to concepts like the afterlife, heaven, hell, and so on. One could never be exposed to karma, reincarnation, and so on. I wish I hadn't made so many mistakes in my life — but I would like to think after we die we just get to relive our lives and reduce the pain, the mistakes each time. Sometimes I imagine we can just restart our lives at the point when we want to. For some that might be as children, others as adults. Idk, I just know that the suffering of living for many can be curbed by imagining a positive afterlife.
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Nov 29, 2018
I appreciate the OP. Since my current understanding is that my 3rd dimensional incarnation arises from a higher astral plane (as does everything else that is showing up here in 3d), that yes, I will most likely live on in my spiritual body. Whether or not I will Re-Member myself, or this Earth experience will just be a bad dream that I'll prefer to forget for a while, til I can look back at it as if seeing a photograph or old movie, I dunno. But I will most def be back to my normal, blissed out, joyous ecstatic aware loving self upon exiting. And will be drawn through resonance to those other beings who are part of my soul family, and we shall play again :) I seem to have maintained a similar personality since birth and expect this to continue after 3d death, I mean, I've always felt like 'myself', you know?

We came here to learn certain life lessons that we could only learn here. Yes, it's a horrific shit show...but you'll be better off in your next lives for having gone through it :)

Either that, or we'll encounter some version of 'nothingness' which...I've experienced in psychedelic states and these have been truly horrific, because there was still an awareness...but there was jack shit, fuck all in this awareness, just blackness, and that, would truly suck...so though there may be some kind of purgatory like state like that, but it won't be forever. Nothing will be forever. I expect high highs and beautiful psychedelic visions, but don't expect the rest of my afterlife to be some beautiful 8+ gram mushroom trip...but it will probably be pretty similar as being in that ego-death state but still fully crystal clear conscious and able to telepathically communicate with any other entity at a similar resonance. Any sensual experience I wish for, music, tastes, sex, I can simply experience, as I do in dreams...which are often as or more real than what I experience in waking life. I'm spiritual. Not religious. Recovering Catholic. Though I was an atheist for a while til I met Cannabis. Then explored Buddhism. Then Krishna Consciousness which is the real deal minus all the religious BS...their views on how to gain salvation and avoid rebirth are seriously flawed...I don't think anyone in this day and age can achieve full self actualization as was once possible before the cards of patriarchy were seriously stacked against us being our full selves. Jesus comes, He Loves, he gets crucified...so...that's what you can look forward to if you are able to actualize yourself. We can develop ourselves a great deal here and learn a lot about unconditional love (often times through experiencing it's opposite) and therefore resonate with (and be transported to) some very high heavenly realms once we exit the 3d. I think the overall quality of our awareness is ultimately what will dictate our next experiences. The Hare Krishna Mantra is gold though for taking control of our concentration/awareness. I belive myself to be some higher dimensional ET being who came to Earth more to attempt to serve and uplift rather than coming from lower in the consciousness ladder to learn and evolve. I bet there was a lot of shit about darkness and the shadow self I simply did not know cause I did not experience before and that is why I came here to tread through the muck and be depressed for a lifetime.
But regardless of how conscious anyone else is, guru or otherwise, we are still on this side of the ocean, and so basically, we're the same.

What convinces me most of an afterlife is not the many psychedelic and near death experiences I've enjoyed, but the spontaneous out of body experiences that have ocurred while totally sober, where I simply realized that I could exit my body, and somehow did so, and went into a dream realm in which it felt like I was still in my physical body...but I was totally in a higher astral manifestation of my surroundings. My opinion (informed by others opinions, of course...the evolution of consciousness is a 'group process'.) Peace.

I wouldn't be so hard on myself to think that I have to go through this same incarnation again and try to not make the mistakes I made in past lives. I just don't think the universe works that way. I don't think it's that cruel.

However! If a person dies who never woke up in this lifetime, and so basically lived an unconscious existence then they will attract life circumstances in their future lives which may indeed be difficult and trying, but which may be necessary to wake them from their deep sleep.

I feel I was so numbed out by the pain of this planet that it wasn't until 2012 when I ate magic mushrooms and 'woke up' that I was able to see deeply into my self destructive patterns and all the BS thoughts I've learned from culture.

Just because I hurt others doesn't doom me to be the victim of such violence in future lives nor to have to repeat the experience for the opportunity to choose otherwise. The reason is that I learned from these experiences. And the reason I hurt people is that Hurt people hurt people. And if I weren't so wounded from a dysfunctional abusive family within a sick society I would not have hurt others.

There is a lot of evidence of reincarnation. Search youtube. I met one man who had severe PTSD since he was basically a toddler because of the war he had just been in, he goes by Yoga D. Whether or not it was HIM that lived that previous life, or if it was just his slice of the pie to deal with I don't know, and don't think it matters really. In the end there is all One. So, the One gave birth to this person with Trauma so he could heal it. Trauma, experience, this is all stored in our DNA.

There are many many accounts I've read and heard of young people giving accounts of their past lives, saying things they could only know if they were that person, or in that family. Sometimes people even look almost identical to who they were in a past life. The famous inventor Patrick Flanagan claims to have been Nikola Tesla before, and says it really does not matter whether he was or wasn't because the fact is he had access in his mind to what Tesla knew and invented things with his innate knowledge.

Also Graham Hancock in his banned Ted Talk on consciousness speaks to some of what's come up in this thread.

Teal Swan (youtube) did a great video recently about Karma. Worth watching. The one on Depression she recently uploaded is utterly brilliant and spot on.
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Life Eternal
Jul 24, 2018
I'd like to think so. It would be nice if I could make up for what I missed out on in this life. I don't want to believe that this miserable life is all I ever will have and nothing more. My only wish would be that I'm a completely different person and living in a place completely different from this world. There's nothing I could ever do to make myself content with the life I have here.
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Apr 27, 2019
If God/Universe is impervious to our wishes while we live, why would he/it care or consider our dying wishes? It sounds like you want a new life. Since this may very well be the only one you get, maybe work on actualizing what you can in this life.
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Mar 25, 2019
There's no reason to believe that. As much as we all wish it could be true


Apr 9, 2019
I believe you can have whatever you want as soon as you wake up ie., escape this hellish amusement park. You should read CHANNELING ERIK — it's a fascinating read...


Mar 19, 2019
I have to admit I don't feel like the original post could be true. At least it feels wrong to me for some reason. It certainly is unique. If I felt more like my existence would suddenly become happier and more awesome just because I died then I'd certainly have more motivation to kill myself. I'm certainly not happy with how my life has been going. I also don't even know I'll be conscious after death. It could be nothing. It could be an afterlife. I think iboth are possible. Both are reasonable. But if I keep living will it suddenly be happy, awesome, and all my dreams come true? I guess the reason I'm skeptical the afterlife might be like this is because my life is not like this. If I were being honest it feels like I'm supposed to be learning some kind of a lesson. I'm not certain yet what this lesson could actually be. It's not knowledge. It's just how I feel.
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Apr 12, 2019
I don't know but after my first attempt in 1986, with medication I woke up in the hospital and the only thing I remember was just before waking up but I couldn't swear it because I had no more perception of time.
I didn't see my body, all around me was deep black but I felt like floating on the back and I felt two presences without seeing them, far away in front of me I saw a kind of intense white light, then another presence joined the others and I thought I heard or heard it really, i don't know "Why is he here, it's not his time "
Then after that I approached at high speed this white light, it looked like a tunnel exit like those you can see in old western movies and then I woke up in the bed of the hospital still half-sounded ..
Actually i can't say if that was a kind of reality or just a normal reaction from my brain which woke up again...


Mar 25, 2018
I appreciate the OP. Since my current understanding is that my 3rd dimensional incarnation arises from a higher astral plane (as does everything else that is showing up here in 3d), that yes, I will most likely live on in my spiritual body. Whether or not I will Re-Member myself, or this Earth experience will just be a bad dream that I'll prefer to forget for a while, til I can look back at it as if seeing a photograph or old movie, I dunno. But I will most def be back to my normal, blissed out, joyous ecstatic aware loving self upon exiting. And will be drawn through resonance to those other beings who are part of my soul family, and we shall play again :) I seem to have maintained a similar personality since birth and expect this to continue after 3d death, I mean, I've always felt like 'myself', you know?

We came here to learn certain life lessons that we could only learn here. Yes, it's a horrific shit show...but you'll be better off in your next lives for having gone through it :)

Either that, or we'll encounter some version of 'nothingness' which...I've experienced in psychedelic states and these have been truly horrific, because there was still an awareness...but there was jack shit, fuck all in this awareness, just blackness, and that, would truly suck...so though there may be some kind of purgatory like state like that, but it won't be forever. Nothing will be forever. I expect high highs and beautiful psychedelic visions, but don't expect the rest of my afterlife to be some beautiful 8+ gram mushroom trip...but it will probably be pretty similar as being in that ego-death state but still fully crystal clear conscious and able to telepathically communicate with any other entity at a similar resonance. Any sensual experience I wish for, music, tastes, sex, I can simply experience, as I do in dreams...which are often as or more real than what I experience in waking life. I'm spiritual. Not religious. Recovering Catholic. Though I was an atheist for a while til I met Cannabis. Then explored Buddhism. Then Krishna Consciousness which is the real deal minus all the religious BS...their views on how to gain salvation and avoid rebirth are seriously flawed...I don't think anyone in this day and age can achieve full self actualization as was once possible before the cards of patriarchy were seriously stacked against us being our full selves. Jesus comes, He Loves, he gets crucified...so...that's what you can look forward to if you are able to actualize yourself. We can develop ourselves a great deal here and learn a lot about unconditional love (often times through experiencing it's opposite) and therefore resonate with (and be transported to) some very high heavenly realms once we exit the 3d. I think the overall quality of our awareness is ultimately what will dictate our next experiences. The Hare Krishna Mantra is gold though for taking control of our concentration/awareness. I belive myself to be some higher dimensional ET being who came to Earth more to attempt to serve and uplift rather than coming from lower in the consciousness ladder to learn and evolve. I bet there was a lot of shit about darkness and the shadow self I simply did not know cause I did not experience before and that is why I came here to tread through the muck and be depressed for a lifetime.
But regardless of how conscious anyone else is, guru or otherwise, we are still on this side of the ocean, and so basically, we're the same.

What convinces me most of an afterlife is not the many psychedelic and near death experiences I've enjoyed, but the spontaneous out of body experiences that have ocurred while totally sober, where I simply realized that I could exit my body, and somehow did so, and went into a dream realm in which it felt like I was still in my physical body...but I was totally in a higher astral manifestation of my surroundings. My opinion (informed by others opinions, of course...the evolution of consciousness is a 'group process'.) Peace.

I wouldn't be so hard on myself to think that I have to go through this same incarnation again and try to not make the mistakes I made in past lives. I just don't think the universe works that way. I don't think it's that cruel.

However! If a person dies who never woke up in this lifetime, and so basically lived an unconscious existence then they will attract life circumstances in their future lives which may indeed be difficult and trying, but which may be necessary to wake them from their deep sleep.

I feel I was so numbed out by the pain of this planet that it wasn't until 2012 when I ate magic mushrooms and 'woke up' that I was able to see deeply into my self destructive patterns and all the BS thoughts I've learned from culture.

Just because I hurt others doesn't doom me to be the victim of such violence in future lives nor to have to repeat the experience for the opportunity to choose otherwise. The reason is that I learned from these experiences. And the reason I hurt people is that Hurt people hurt people. And if I weren't so wounded from a dysfunctional abusive family within a sick society I would not have hurt others.

There is a lot of evidence of reincarnation. Search youtube. I met one man who had severe PTSD since he was basically a toddler because of the war he had just been in, he goes by Yoga D. Whether or not it was HIM that lived that previous life, or if it was just his slice of the pie to deal with I don't know, and don't think it matters really. In the end there is all One. So, the One gave birth to this person with Trauma so he could heal it. Trauma, experience, this is all stored in our DNA.

There are many many accounts I've read and heard of young people giving accounts of their past lives, saying things they could only know if they were that person, or in that family. Sometimes people even look almost identical to who they were in a past life. The famous inventor Patrick Flanagan claims to have been Nikola Tesla before, and says it really does not matter whether he was or wasn't because the fact is he had access in his mind to what Tesla knew and invented things with his innate knowledge.

Also Graham Hancock in his banned Ted Talk on consciousness speaks to some of what's come up in this thread.

Teal Swan (youtube) did a great video recently about Karma. Worth watching. The one on Depression she recently uploaded is utterly brilliant and spot on.
Not sure what I just read.
The brain is very powerful and capable of a lot. That's all I have to say.


Aug 4, 2018
Why would they ?

If the universe was so beautiful it made our desires comes true, it wouldn't be a universe with suicidal people would it ?

It makes no sense.

Also, i hope i'll never come back to life again.


Nothing compares to the bliss of death.
Aug 8, 2018
Unfortunately, all I can believe is if my desires weren't fulfilled in this life, why would they be in the next? At least we can All take solace in death as the end of our current suffering.

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