Forever Sleep
Earned it we have...
- May 4, 2022
- 10,948
I realise that a lot of people here have already been diagnosed with depression and/ or other mental illnesses. I expect others of us feel like we may have depression etc. but are undiagnosed. I believe there are also some members who would refute that they have any form of mental illness.
Maybe I'm wrong but I suspect that the vast majority of us WOULD come out with a diagnosis of at minimum mild depression- more likely- moderate depression- if we went to see a dotor today.
I know from previous experience that they give you a questionnaire (in the UK at least) similar to this one:
I came out just the same as I did years ago- moderate depression. It's hard to know whether I agree with this because I feel like I've always felt like this. I think it is harder for people who have felt like this long term to accept that something may be 'wrong'. Seeing as there has been no change for us- this is our 'normal' way of thinking. There again- I can't help but notice that the way I see the world is different to the 'normies'- so- perhaps something is different.
How about you? Do you think depression is over diagnosed? The cynical part of me reckons a lot of it is to push pharmaceuticals on people. What do you think? Do you think you are depressed? Would you disagree with the diagnosis if you got it? Did you happen to take the above test? How did you fair?
Just to be clear- I'm not trying to refute that mental illness does exist and that it can be debhilitating. I suppose it's the milder cases I am thinking about. Ones like my own really- where I'm not even sure that I am depressed/ mentally ill- although I'm almost positive that I would be diagnosed as such.
Maybe I'm wrong but I suspect that the vast majority of us WOULD come out with a diagnosis of at minimum mild depression- more likely- moderate depression- if we went to see a dotor today.
I know from previous experience that they give you a questionnaire (in the UK at least) similar to this one:

Patient health questionnaire
The Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) is an easy-to-use patient questionnaire for screening, diagnosing, monitoring and measuring the severity of depression.

I came out just the same as I did years ago- moderate depression. It's hard to know whether I agree with this because I feel like I've always felt like this. I think it is harder for people who have felt like this long term to accept that something may be 'wrong'. Seeing as there has been no change for us- this is our 'normal' way of thinking. There again- I can't help but notice that the way I see the world is different to the 'normies'- so- perhaps something is different.
How about you? Do you think depression is over diagnosed? The cynical part of me reckons a lot of it is to push pharmaceuticals on people. What do you think? Do you think you are depressed? Would you disagree with the diagnosis if you got it? Did you happen to take the above test? How did you fair?
Just to be clear- I'm not trying to refute that mental illness does exist and that it can be debhilitating. I suppose it's the milder cases I am thinking about. Ones like my own really- where I'm not even sure that I am depressed/ mentally ill- although I'm almost positive that I would be diagnosed as such.