What do you think dreams are?
Dreams are a challenging topic to explain. They make me doubt the existence of the universe.
I've heard many things about dreams.
According to some scientists, they are a mechanism of the brain to organize information. However, the context of dreams remains unclear to me.
I also don't understand why, in dreams, we rarely realize that we're dreaming. I've heard it's because a part of the brain is inactive when we're asleep, preventing us from being aware that we're dreaming.
But why are we sometimes aware that we're dreaming?
I've only had 2 dreams in my life where I was aware that I was dreaming, but I couldn't manipulate the dream.
Do you think they're about our lives in parallel universes? I also heard that sometimes dreams could be past life memories.
In my opinion, I don't believe dreams represent a parallel universe because sometimes they make no sense. If that were the case, why would parallel universes exist?
I would also rule out past lives.
In many dreams I've had, I've always seen the faces of people I know. If those dreams were from a past life, it wouldn't make sense because the people in the dream hadn't been born in that past life yet.
I only remember dreaming once as someone different, but I dreamt I was a character from a video game I used to play.
I've even had dreams where I appeared in video games I played, and these dreams occurred frequently.
Many years ago, I had a dream where I was killed in a bathroom.
I remember being shot in the chest and falling to the ground while everything faded away, despite feeling no pain. After that, I appeared in a huge dining room. I'm not sure if it was me or someone else in that dream.
I also heard that people could astral travel in their dreams. Does anyone have any experience with this, and any tips for doing so?
Years ago, I tried to have an out-of-body experience, but I always ended up falling asleep.
Having an out-of-body experience requires a lot of discipline, and I don't think it's something easy to achieve.
The most common advice I saw was to lie down in a bed without blankets or pillows, in a completely dark and quiet place.
You were supposed to breathe calmly and listen to what was around you, whether it was your breathing or some buzzing in your head.
They also said you should think of a specific place and relax your body. I don't remember much else, but it's best to consult YouTube or some website for more details.
I could never do it properly because I lived on a super noisy street with dogs barking non-stop, loud motorcycles, and drunk people playing music at full volume.
(I wish I were deaf...)
I know there's a field of dream interpretation, and that dreams seem to be subjective (to the dreamer), but it would be cool to understand them more
Dream interpretation is something I don't fully understand.
When I was 13, I used to have ridiculous dreams, and I always looked up their meanings on the internet.
I remember dreaming about girls from my class, and I was all excited thinking these dreams had a meaning.
According to some websites, they said things like
"that person is the right one for me" or
"I'll be lucky in love," and other nonsense I don't want to remember.
Years later, I stopped taking dream interpretation seriously because nothing they said on those websites ever came true.
What still intrigues me to this day is why there are precognitive dreams.
I've had very few precognitive dreams.
The first dream I remember was seeing my mother cooking something, and what was funny was that hours after I woke up, I saw her cooking the same thing I saw in the dream.
The second dream was more interesting; it happened exactly a year ago, in these September days. I dreamt that I was in my house and had woken up, but suddenly there was a strong earthquake, and I quickly left my house, although my family didn't appear in the dream.
Days after that dream, there was an earthquake just as strong as in the dream, but it was during the daytime...
The human brain is incredibly complex.
For me, the sciences that study the brain and human thinking are the most challenging to understand, but they are also the most fascinating.
I believe society should give more importance to this science than to TikTok and Twitter...