Full-time layabout
- Apr 7, 2018
- 638
Do you exercise? Do you feel it helps you? Would you still exercise even if I locked you in a room for 15 years?
I personally don't feel that exercise can fix my problems. In fact, it's damn near laughable to even suggest so. Still, I somehow keep on doing it. I honestly have no idea why, but I do. I'm also an agoraphobic hermit, so I have to work within the limitations of that. It's tough to do this sort of stuff even in the face of the fact that, since I never go anywhere or do anything, this effectively renders whatever gains I can manage to achieve deeply pointless. Anything done inside a vacuum becomes enormously difficult to justify doing. It just seems silly to think that if I ever do kill myself someday, how futile and pointless all this dumb exercising was. All that effort, all that sweat, and for what? No one ever noticed and no one ever cared. It made no difference whatsoever.
Many people say to exercise for the sake of one's health (which is funny since, being that I'm suicidal, what the hell does my health matter?), or to experience the positive endorphins that come with doing it. From my experience however, exercise does very little to improve my mood. I feel a little bit more energetic and perhaps a tad more relaxed, but such sensations are almost imperceptible and very short lived. As long as I continue to lock myself away, the benefits of exercise will always only be 1/100th of what they otherwise would be. The trouble is though; that I can never leave the tomb I've made for myself. I keep exercising in the face of utter futility. And as much as that's true, what else is there for me to do? I carry on out of a mixture of damage control and a desperate attempt to pass the time. Defeat and decay is certain and nothing I get from all my efforts will ever mean anything, but I put my sorry ass into it all the same.
I personally don't feel that exercise can fix my problems. In fact, it's damn near laughable to even suggest so. Still, I somehow keep on doing it. I honestly have no idea why, but I do. I'm also an agoraphobic hermit, so I have to work within the limitations of that. It's tough to do this sort of stuff even in the face of the fact that, since I never go anywhere or do anything, this effectively renders whatever gains I can manage to achieve deeply pointless. Anything done inside a vacuum becomes enormously difficult to justify doing. It just seems silly to think that if I ever do kill myself someday, how futile and pointless all this dumb exercising was. All that effort, all that sweat, and for what? No one ever noticed and no one ever cared. It made no difference whatsoever.
Many people say to exercise for the sake of one's health (which is funny since, being that I'm suicidal, what the hell does my health matter?), or to experience the positive endorphins that come with doing it. From my experience however, exercise does very little to improve my mood. I feel a little bit more energetic and perhaps a tad more relaxed, but such sensations are almost imperceptible and very short lived. As long as I continue to lock myself away, the benefits of exercise will always only be 1/100th of what they otherwise would be. The trouble is though; that I can never leave the tomb I've made for myself. I keep exercising in the face of utter futility. And as much as that's true, what else is there for me to do? I carry on out of a mixture of damage control and a desperate attempt to pass the time. Defeat and decay is certain and nothing I get from all my efforts will ever mean anything, but I put my sorry ass into it all the same.
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