Am I correct in thinking that the question should be asked in a format that allows a yes/no type answer?
Format doesn't matter, since runes don't give you a strict y/n. They are just giving you tendency and advice.
What's the best thing I could do to make some extra income for myself?
(I'm not really suicidal anymore so please skip if you don't want to waste your time on me)
The rune for your question came out as kenaz(reversed). Kenaz is a rune of fire, a burning pain, and your wisdom learned from your tempering process within.
You may be directing your internal fire towards a questionable direction. It may be that you're directing your powerful energy to a wrong way, and you need to change the direction. The best direction for you to go now is pointing towards your inside. Your mind.
Question yourself like 'Do I really need this income now?', 'Is making extra income the best thing for me to do now? If not, what's it?'. No one can answer that. Only you can be the answerer, the pathfinder for yourself.
If you have a religion, whatever it be, it would be good for you to seek helpful wisdom from your Deities through prayers.
Wish you the best.
Thank you, I will try this with you. Question #1. Will my attempt to gain financially in quick time be successful. #2. Is the big blond man I see images of going to be me in my next life? #3. Will my health condition or my next attempt to ctb the way I will leave this life?
I'd only answer one question per person(as stated above, "one question each"), so I would put together your 3 questions in one sentence like this: "What's the best way for this person to overcome their present pain?"
The answer for your question came out as mannaz(reversed). Mannaz is a rune of humankind, including yourself, your kins and friends, and also other people surrounding you. It's OK for you to fail others, just keep in mind that you shouldn't fail yourself.
That seems for me to be the key. You yourself are the only one person who can save you. Don't underestimate your value, as you are (like all the others) a unique piece of art, designed by Gods Themselves. I can't tell you sh*ts like "Love yourself" as I hadn't really learned how until this time, but at least please keep in mind you're well worth to be respected in your own life decisions.
I. E. don't betray yourself. Let's repeat: DON'T F**KING BETRAY YOURSELF. That's what I started to learn, albeit slowly, in my life these days. And I think I'm not the only one to whom it is important to learn this.
Wish you the best.
Thank you very much šµ 1. Who am I ? 2. Is there a purpose in life? 3. How can I find peace of mind?
I'd only answer one question per person, as stated above("one question each"), so I put together your 3 questions in one sentence: "What's the best way for this person to find out who they is?"
The answer for your question came out as fehu(reversed). Fehu is a rune for assets, both inside and outside of you. I think you already have internal assets for all your questions, yet you may be directing them towards a wrong direction. It's good for you to stop seeking the ultimate answers for your life outside, including this guy who is answering you now(LOL). You're holding the keys for unlocking them yourself.
Don't give heed to some sh*t guys who claim that they have ultimate answers for you and your life.
Wish you the best.