First attempt I ever did was with a belt noose. Course, it was a short drop/partial suspesion, and it wasn't really tied up all that well. Only hung for about two to three seconds before it became undone. Last year, I had properly constructed a hangman's knot with a rope noose. Had it tied up in the closet, put it around my neck, and tightened it. Standing with that thing tied around my neck, the tightness feeling felt very uncomfortable. I even dropped to my knees, but still hung onto something and could feel the pain intensifying. I abandoned that method and have since come to the decision that hanging isn't my way to go.
Did it scare me? Hell yes. Even though the belt noose was constructed poorly, that pain of being hung was probably the closest taste of death I've ever had. Well, maybe aside from playing Russian roulette. Point is, hanging ain't always instant. When you're officially hanging, the fight or flight response instantly kicks in, and it becomes rapidly terrifying as you try to helplessly undo the noose. In the case of a rope noose with a hangman's knot, that's much harder to undo while hanging considering that that type of noose tightens more and more the longer you hang. Getting a taste of that, and surviving a hanging attempt (even if it's a poorly constructed belt noose) is quite terrifying; at least for me anyways. Of course, a long drop hanging may also be much more instant, though I've never tried that. For me, I personally wouldn't recommend hanging just due to the type of pain you could experience while dying, and depending on how you hang yourself, it may not be instant unconciousness. And if you're discovered by someone before you officially die, or the noose somehow comes undone after losing conciousness and your body is still alive, the threat of brain damage and becoming a vegetable for life is very real.