Well, I'm a bit late, but there's only a few people in the MAOI posse, so here's one person's opinion.
Me, briefly: treatment resistant MDD, GAD, OCD tendencies. I am 49, and have taken quite literally every anti-depressant available. My best one was Effexor (if you can believe that)...five years until it pooped out.
Early 2020: my wonderful psychiatrist says trying the old tried and true is a waste of time, and he brings up Nardil. We discuss it, and he asks me to go home and research it before making a decision. After a few days, I tell him I'm on board.
The short version is that it does a better job than other medicines did; of course, it's not a wonder drug. (I mean, look where this is being posted.)

The MDD improved some, mainly in terms of keeping the low points from being as low. The GAD...it's hard to say. Maybe there has been some benefit, although it's limited. The main improvement is in the consistency of my mood. The tendency to slide into periods of self-loathing has decreased greatly, and the side effects when starting were not bad at all.
I have had none of the Stay Away from Nardil side effects. No food interactions, and none of the other issues. There is one incredibly annoying side effect for me: when I get hot, my body overheats and it takes a long time to cool down and stop sweating. This was discovered by working too hard outside, getting dizzy, fainting, and ending up with a bloody forehead. It was a learning process, and now the warning bells go off when it's time to stop. My psychiatrist reduced the dose to see if that helped; it didn't. Oh well.
All in all, considering how many useless medications I have taken, the positives of Nardil outweigh the negatives. It's unlikely you'll faint after hauling wood; however, it does illustrate that MAOIs do have a different set of rules, so listening to your mind (and your body!) are important.