Forever Sleep
Earned it we have...
- May 4, 2022
- 10,960
When I worked in retail, I definitely felt depressed and started taking St. John's Wort and 5HTP. They can mess up other medications though and have side effects so- I'm not recommending them for everyone. I felt like they helped slightly at the time though. More than Fluoexetine (Prozac) anyway, which I was prescribed years later.
I'm not even certain I do have depression but just motivating myself to do the essentials now is so hard. Seeing as things have the potential to become even harder this year, I'm wondering if I should give them another try. Not keen on going to the doctors for antidepressants though- if I'm honest.
Does anyone have any recommendations please? Do you manage your moods in other ways maybe? Eating healthy, exercising? Lack of fitness is another problem at the moment. Everything just feels so exhausting.
I know I'm going to have to try and live healthier soon otherwise, things are only going to get harder. Honestly, I just wish I could end all this shit now. So many things already feel like too much to deal with. But, I still want to hold on till my Dad goes.
Really, any advice on how you manage to make it through. Especially those who have to work and just carry on as normal would be greatly appreciated.
I'm not even certain I do have depression but just motivating myself to do the essentials now is so hard. Seeing as things have the potential to become even harder this year, I'm wondering if I should give them another try. Not keen on going to the doctors for antidepressants though- if I'm honest.
Does anyone have any recommendations please? Do you manage your moods in other ways maybe? Eating healthy, exercising? Lack of fitness is another problem at the moment. Everything just feels so exhausting.
I know I'm going to have to try and live healthier soon otherwise, things are only going to get harder. Honestly, I just wish I could end all this shit now. So many things already feel like too much to deal with. But, I still want to hold on till my Dad goes.
Really, any advice on how you manage to make it through. Especially those who have to work and just carry on as normal would be greatly appreciated.