Post a video to youtube of you reading it out loud. Share the link to people you know. If you have social media you could post it there too. You could try submitting it to your local newspaper but it's extremely unlikely they would post something like that (also most people don't read the paper anymore).
This! Any type of public social media would spread a video like that like wildfire. I know you seem certain, and we don't know your whole story, but just be mindful that this type of move has consequences.
On one hand, you'd be securing your public story about your mother, on the other, you won't be around to defend yourself if she somehow twists this into her being a victim of a vindictive child.
Anything revolving around suicide, in a social media setting, regardless if it's a public note, a video or photo, will end up in the hands of places like bestgore. So you're also taking into consideration your OWN legacy and if you want to be apart of that.
But all things aside, posting a note to any sort of social media (making sure the post itself is listed as public) and pointing fingers at your mother may just destroy her life if she can't twist it! Given cancel culture, if it comes out like this, she will likely loose any credibility and good standing in any jobs, social circles, churches, etc. Potentially targeted online and in person.
There's a lot to consider but it is ultimately a choice only you can make! It all depends on your story up until now and how you'd like it to end.

Much love, friend.