I don't know if that is what you mean but I read this that it is up to me to find holes in my reasoning. I hope I do (it's not watertight yet), but my question is who will help me with this? It also comes close to the argument that if I don't find holes, it must be I don't really want to (see the first paragraph of my reply to chester).
I know I am reading more into your statement than you
Ah, yes I apologize, I see how my wording can be taken in that way. I definitely don't mean it like that.
I can relate where your coming from that ctb is more logic and reasoning based, that was the same for me. Actually I would say it's still that way for me, but in a more nuanced sense that the reasoning and logic I used to get myself into the ctb attempt is incidentally driving my "new" approach to be alive.
So having ideation since I was little, and year by year life just staying shit to varying degrees, I was always delaying when I would say I was done. I'll wait to see if anything comes of college. Oops, I dropped out and still felt meaningless, purposeless, without direction, and I hate my home but can't get out of home and life is shit. Okay I'll try pursuing a different path. Led nowhere, still didn't know what I wanted to do, still needed to get out of home because I hated it, but had no means to get myself out. Okay depression symptoms getting worse, suicidal ideation kicking into high gear. Ooops, family got the hint and I got put into inpatient. Rinse repeat over the years, throw in a bout of homelessness, I'll commit at 23, okay 24, maybe 25? etc. etc. At some point, when was I going to realize "just do it, why keep waiting, isn't 3 decades of evidence that life is perpetually shit enough? Is there really anything I want to see going into my 30s,40s,50s,60s, or however long I keep this body alive?"
And so I reasoned, life is shit, there is no guarantee that efforts to improve pay off, and anything achieved can be swept away. Hell, give the universe enough time and if it goes the way of heat death...well bye bye to literally everything, what was even the point if we can't get away from the death of our own universe?
So I definitely agree, there is logic that can be reasoned to the point of ctb. I am an antinatalist also. If I know that bringing a life into this world risks the non-zero probability (can we just call it a certainty?) that the life will either experience suffering and/or cause suffering to others, then I'm not creating life. If I wouldn't choose to bring life here, then wouldn't that be a further point to, "okay, recognizing that I myself wouldn't bring life here, can I just go now, please? I would like to leave planet." In fact, if I want to discard all risk of experiencing any further suffering at all in my life, well ctb kind of seals that permanently lol. Suicide can be reasoned to the point of acting on it. Not to make a dumb analogy, but if someone is at a party and they're not having a good time at all and want to leave, that should be respected, right? Yes they've tried to mingle with people, yes tasted the cake, yes they've tried to relax, or whatever else. If they still think to themselves "I want to go now," there is really no way to counter argue that. Why would they keep trying different things to have a good time at the party, if they've already done that. Same with life, why keep trying for things, if I've already tried for things, and am still not feeling it?
Sorry I'm kind of stream of consciousness writing haha. So, when the ctb logic is at it's strongest, I don't really think there are going to be holes. But I don't think the ctb reasoning has to be falsified in order for a person to say "yeah, I see you death, but until you actually take me down for good, I'm going to do this instead, get fucked universe, stop playing peek-a-boo and fight me already Cthulhu. In the meantime.....coffee and socializing if I can do anything about it lol." Ctb logic doesn't have to be proven wrong, in order for a person to decide for themselves "yeah, but I'm going to do this instead." In a sense, then nothing really has any power over me (full disclaimer, I realize I am saying this as someone who doesn't experience chronic pain or any debilitating ailments. And of course I'm not immune to this stuff, being alive can throw another wrench to the face and suddenly my health fails horribly). I can acknowledge the logic of both living and dying I guess. If I like coffee, and I want to drink coffee, and I need to be alive to do that, then that's what I'll do. If I feel good doing something that is good for me, even if only because I like it, then that also is a logic that cannot be refuted. The universe will have to kill me if it doesn't want me to drink coffee.
This is a great conversation and I'm starting to unpack some of my thinking that I realize I haven't quite thought through yet :)
Ah, so how does my ctb thinking still apply post-attempt? Being non-complacent I think. This can be elaborated definitely, but I must sleep for now.