Hey FireFox,
I feel that what is holding you back is not your capabilities, but your attitude and perception of yourself. Let me stress that you absolutely
can learn these things and become independent. You are a late bloomer and that is okay!
But you keep beating yourself up for not knowing these things. I don't know if this is because other people have called you immature? All I know is this:
- You may look around and think that everyone has their life together and planned out. A career, family, etc. This is just an exterior. Many of those people feel unsure about themselves, 'imposter syndrome', stress, etc. So do not think that everyone is racing ahead of you and having a wonderful life. This is simply not true. Everybody is struggling with something.
- DO NOT WORRY ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE'S EXPECTATIONS OR OPINIONS. You are on your own path. You have your own goals and aspirations, and that is what you will focus on from now on. First, it can be learning to order something online. Then it's getting comfortable with computers, etc. You are NOT stupid. You are on your OWN timeline and will blossom into the flower that you are. Some flowers take a couple of months to germinate and bloom, while some take much longer. And yet we do not blame the flower for taking long to bloom.
- You are YOUNG. You are in your early 20s. Do not let anyone make you think your life is over when it has just begun. This is the time to make mistakes, embarrass yourself, try out different things etc. Nobody expects or should expect you to have it all figured out now.
- The most difficult thing to do is BEGIN. This is true for any task, and I am also guilty of this. Sometimes we put things off even though we could get it over and done with quickly. We need to push ourselves out of our comfort zones. You will not feel comfortable doing these things at first and that is normal. At some point you will get used to it.
- Do NOT aim for PERFECTION. When you do any task, do not expect to do it perfectly. When we have a perfectionist mindset it becomes difficult to complete simple things because we want to make every detail perfect. This is counter productive. It will be easier to actually get tasks done if you have a just good enough mindset.
- It is OKAY to not know how to do everything. This is does not make you immature. Nobody expects you to know everything. The important thing is being willing to learn. This is truly the hallmark of being a mature person. Any adult who thinks they do not need to learn anything else is stupid and immature.
You are NOT a failure.
we do not blame the flower for taking a long time to bloom. You should not blame yourself either. I know it all seems overwhelming. Take each day as they come and learn bit by bit. I PROMISE you, you are capable of all these things. We all support you on your journey to blossoming into the flower you are.