No one can answer that question for you. That would be encouraging you to kill yourself.
Only you can figure this out. Perhaps it isn't what you really want, and that's why you're so frightened - what other possible explanation could there be?
Ending your life is really the end, there's no coming back from it so I'd suggest really thinking about this, long and hard.
If it isn't what you want, look into other ways that could potentially help you. I don't know your situation so I can't give any advice other than mindfulness can be very helpful, and exercising. It takes time to start to feel better.
I didn't think recovery was possible. I was set on killing myself. I had tried countless times. And then everything started shifting recently, my mindset had completely changed. I've worked hard and not given up, and reminded myself these things take time.
I still have pretty terrible days, but my thoughts are no longer to end my life, and I see myself very differently.
I'm aware it could change back, but it's important to focus on the steps you're taking to at least try. Sometimes we can try a few times and fail, but perseverance can take a long time, especially if you've had these thoughts and feelings your entire life, like I did.
I honestly thought the trauma I'd suffered throughout my life would take me, because it nearly had several times, like I said. But I now believe it isn't my time, not yet. Perhaps the same could be said for you, who knows what could happen round the corner. Only you can change it