Never doubt the internet, my dude!
On a more serious note, I've started a pilot for my own internet money scheme, but you'd need to possibly take some serious loans for this.
P2P loans. The big problem is finding a legitimate business to do this with. The idea is that instead of banks, people lend money from you, in a way.
I think I'll need to draw this out to make the explanation clear to MYSELF first of all. lol
The idea is that a bunch of people gang up to give somebody, say, 10000$
dude 1 gives 500$, dude 2 gives 1000$, you give 100$, etc etc.
The loaner decides he wants to return in 64 payments, so you get... uh... 100*1/64 per month. It's too early to deal with accurate math over here.
There's a catch, though - you'll need loans and an alibi for said loans.
Since I'm epileptic, I have the perfect alibi - medical loans. Chatting "the bank girl" up about my condition and giving her gruesome detail in what I want done had her gagging and changing colors in about five minutes.
The idea came AFTER the loan, admittedly.
I wasn't lying entirely, though. I haven't actually touched that pile of money. Yet. I'm just not planning on returning it if everything works out fine, though.
A second catch is that if you want the best conditions, you'd need to dominate the loan. That's... that's a bit complicated for the initial description, but yeah, look into P2P loans. The age of the internet made some asinine things fascinating.