Too many flashbacks, can't take it anymore! Help!
- Aug 10, 2021
- 1,446
I have so many compulsion s that has to do with movement on both my arm s and leg s that I am starting to experience fati gue and so reness. Mostly on my leg s as of now, my arm s are fine although they are getting fa tigued also. While I am planning on working on st opping or atle ast le ssen the amount of compulsion s, it will obiovsly no t happen straight aw ay, so I was wondering if there is anything I can do to mini mize the ri sk of any kind of in juri es or comp lication s from ov er us ing my limb s until I am able to st op? Does anyone have any tip or trick s that coul d help? I really do no t want to develop any long term comp lication s from my comp ulsion s. :/