🍭my lollipop brings the feminists to my candyshop
- Aug 16, 2022
- 1,482
This may sound overly dramatic & obscure. Feel free to read some other post; this is how my internal communications sometimes sound, with the constraint I must be reasonably confidential. This is a vent post. Reframes my thoughts
In one month, I'll get on a plane & begin a project. I've been training physically, with a personal trainer. And mentally — any task may require 50 decisions (even far more?), and all I must do is grind, grind, grind them down to dust, solving any problem that comes up, until all problems are solved
"Spiritually" — on the realm of group-minds — I've been alone for a couple weeks now. I have far fewer long conversations; and when I have them, it's not about me. No, I'm amplifying my individual self
Pro-lifers aren't alive. They're zombies. Programmed by degenerate cultures. To stop you from truly living, mire yourself in your own fluids
Guesstimate 30% chance I die this year. They say a man's supposed to have a certain kind of strength, and daring. All right then. We're hunters, pushing ourselves past limits, practicing our skills to the edge of our abilities, onto the world
Often, when you find a problem, you can pull on it & the thread leads you to deeper ones. You travel to strange places, following it
In one month, I'll get on a plane & begin a project. I've been training physically, with a personal trainer. And mentally — any task may require 50 decisions (even far more?), and all I must do is grind, grind, grind them down to dust, solving any problem that comes up, until all problems are solved
"Spiritually" — on the realm of group-minds — I've been alone for a couple weeks now. I have far fewer long conversations; and when I have them, it's not about me. No, I'm amplifying my individual self
Pro-lifers aren't alive. They're zombies. Programmed by degenerate cultures. To stop you from truly living, mire yourself in your own fluids
Guesstimate 30% chance I die this year. They say a man's supposed to have a certain kind of strength, and daring. All right then. We're hunters, pushing ourselves past limits, practicing our skills to the edge of our abilities, onto the world
Often, when you find a problem, you can pull on it & the thread leads you to deeper ones. You travel to strange places, following it