- Apr 15, 2024
- 1,598
Lost all motivation for good! After applying and getting rejected 300 times after graduating in 2019 and then my wife leaving me half a year ago I don't anymore want to work. There is no point anymore. It has been made clear to me that I'm useless anyway after so many rejections, so why even try. I don't want to interact with people making dumb office jokes and pretend to them that I'm happy every minute for 8 hours a day and then come home to nothing. It's pure mental torture to me when having social anxiety anyway at a workplace to begin with (but I was strong and ready to just overcome social anxiety because my wife was there to motivate me, but now no longer... I could never anymore pretend to be happy nor can I be open about my suffering). I want to just wither away in a dark room (maybe VSED will be my preferred method).