I learned that many normal people I envied due to their popularity or societal success were simply stupider than me and their nervous systems were just not nearly as sensitive. Many of them are like dogs. This stupidity allowed them to be happy and enjoy things my truth seeking self simply could not. None of the people I looked up to for their social skills and community of friends were able to engage with me on pressing environmental issues that threatened their futures. They just couldn't or wouldn't go there. And I, can't not go there, because I literally feel the suffering of this planet in my body every day. But, because I can feel so intensely, I have a great capacity for joy, bliss, ecstasy...these states can co-habitate with deep depression in me. I take solace in the idea that I've experienced more beauty and delight than mr. popular will ever be physically capable of, those neurotypical fuckers. (Apologies to any Neurotypical people here, I know I must sound like an asshole...I'm not Aspergers, but having known a couple dear Asperger souls I do feel I'm well on the spectrum.) Even though the reason I am able to experience such high states is the same reason that I suffer such a miserable life. I came, I saw, I became Enlightened, I killed myself. Who wouldn't?
I too wish I lived in a society that was compassionate enough to assist me in euthanizing myself. It's extra sad to have to be so lonely in this endeavor that nobody will talk with me about unless it's to try to 'help' me. I've toyed with the idea of having a goodbye party for myself and inviting anyone who knows me to come celebrate with a dance party by a bon-fire or something. God, I'd really love to do that actually. I could just say I've received a terminal diagnosis that I prefer not to discuss as there is nothing that can be done about it anyways, so just come celebrate with me and give me one last hug. Or...be totally straight up as to the reasons why I am catching the bus, and say this isn't a cry for help, you're under no obligation or pressure to try to 'help me' and if you do so you'll be asked to leave the party, or worse be sacrified to the bonfire. If they do bring up the subject of my seemingly premature leaving I'll quickly close it, and tell people I've been telling them this for years, I am closed to the idea of staying...the time has now come to celebrate!! But, would that somehow give the authorities a 'right' to lock me up in a psych ward? That'd be the fear there.
My cat is like my child...and now I'm a grandfather as she had 3 kittens this week, and they're crushingly adorable...though they do whine and cry and we're sharing a van together (keeping them safe from predators) and I must say I now understand and have compassion for infanticide as I've been having dreams of killing these cats. All of them. Then, I'd feel so bad...I'd basically HAVE to be next :)