Of course it's not men deciding what is attractive to women. Just like it's not women deciding what is attractive to men. I don't know if I agree with the 99% of guys will "have at it" and that's why I'm a slut. Lol I got to where I rarely asked a man over because I got turned down. A lot. And I am what I really believe to be average in looks. But even the "ugly" guys who NEVER had a woman anywhere near them would tell me no. Really funny thing was, usually about 2 to 3 months later "Mr. Picky" would approach me to go out with him. Nope. You had your shot buddy. Honestly, now that I am older and maybe a little bit wiser, I think a lot of men (even toxic manly men) have pretty fragile egos. (Talk about unpopular opinions, huh?? At least half the people on this forum are now gunning for me.
I do find it interesting that you feel like women have ALL the power in the dating scene. I actually never felt like I was in a power struggle while I was dating. Either person (the man or the woman) in the exchange had the ability to say yes or no, depending on how things went. Dating is basically negotiations to see if you might want to spend more time with a person. Or take a relationship to a more ... Uhmmm ... "Intense" maybe ... Level. At any time during that process it is completely acceptable for one party or another to say "ok, this isn't turning out like I thought; I think I should move on" no harm, no foul. Just like when I told guys "no thank you" after an evening if I wasn't satisfied with how things went. That knife cut both ways -- I had plenty of guys decline another evening with me when I asked. I didn't take it personal. It was just the way dating was.
I knew plenty of women (now I just know a few single women from work) that felt like you do -- that because they had/have certain standards it is almost impossible for them to get a date because all the single men are only after a home-cooked meal and a roll in the sack real quick before they get on out the door to meet the boys at the bar for a couple of beers before they head home for the evening.
It appears to me that the more things change, the more they stay the same. (And Andrew Tate is an idiot. It is no more a woman's fault for not being attracted to you than it is your fault for some woman not being attracted to you.
) As far as any trap being laid, I can tell you you SHOULD BE GRATEFUL for some woman cutting it off for ANY reason -- no good comes from someone ignoring something that is a trigger for them, no matter what it is. And I'm not telling you to lie to a woman just to get a date. I am suggesting maybe you need to consider HOW you tell someone something about yourself.
The bottom line is dating sucks. But it doesn't suck as bad as being married to someone you can't stand or who can't stand you, because one of you wasn't honest with the other during the dating process. Or one or the other of you are/was aware of your shortcomings so you love-bombed your way into a relationship (and legal contract) and now it is just too damned expensive to bother getting out.
Btw, I am about to be 70, an American citizen and on my second (and last) marriage. I will NOT date, though that seems to be a big deal with Boomers in general) should I ever find myself single again. More like I will be grateful for the peace and quiet and enjoy my newfound freedom. And I have sons, only one of which has had the same complaints you have voiced. I suspect I know what his problem is but I'm his mom so what do I know?? It's got nothing to do with his looks, or his ability to earn a paycheck. His brothers, however, have never voiced the same distain he has when it comes to dating and women in general.
I am unaware how much similar, or different, dating in the US might be compared to what you experience across the pond, so take anything I have said with a grain of salt because it could very well not apply at all to your circumstance. I hope things get better for you.