- Dec 7, 2024
- 51
All the lies and deception. Folk say they wanna have kids to make the world a better place.. even though they couldnt do it.. they grandparents couldnt.. their friends friends parent couldn't.. here I am looking at history.. looking at humanity now. A sea of conformist who contradict themselves. Liars, they don't want change they say it's inevitable. They want you to conform and adapt because they're to scared to face the truth that this life is a piece of shit with sprinkles on top. All the suffering.. even one being has to go through
No it's not worth any fucking fleeting positive feeling this disgusting parasite planet has to offer. Not at all. And I know out of all these billions that lie and say they really enjoy it here though you can clearly see their coping mechanisms and them complain about life here an there especially when realities shit hits the fan, they wouldn't wanna live even a minute of the most horrific pain a being thats life was imposed here has had to face.
People worshipping rich people(celebs) I look around like.. aren't you fuckers poor asf? What about our economy? Fuck a movie, fuck a concert, fuck Taylor swifts next tour we gotta bigger Fucking issues.. fucking peasants look pathetic ASF pretending.. like shits okay.. hustling for a green piece of paper that has no real value but what humans slow ass done gave it. People kill each other over it. Go homeless over a piece of paper? Where's the heart? The "love" humanity should have for one another looking out for each other.. they be Selln their meat suit for money.. all these things folk do so they can have a comfortable home and shit they want an never have to work again (if we were more outwardly evolved like a gorilla or ape, with fur and strength and a stronger digestive system we wouldn't need clothes and houses heating system etc) it's like we've devolved.. no fur, horrible canines.. horrible digestive system.. like wtf kind of animal are we? were so dependent like pets on other beings for our survival..that's a horrible thing an these fuckers that have randomly been placed at the top take advantage of the fact that we don't know how to survive.
Eesh I wish normies would just stop going online pretending like life's amazing.. they look pathetic as shit. This world is hell and MFS look like this

like they're fucking idiots. Either folk are delusional, unaware (due to privilege) or they just don't give af about others suffering as long as it ain't them suffering they don't care. Parents really think they smart. No you're just carrying out dnas duty. Continuing this stupid survival game.
A fucking kid can be a parent. A fucking pedo can be a parent so no you ain't all that special nor smart for doing what's expected of you. Think for yourself normie.
To follow instincts takes no rational thoughts. But to sit back question.. not be a sheep.. look at stuff birds eye view and think critically. That's fucking smart. Not "im doing this because it's natural" "I'm doing this because of legacy" "im doing this because everyone else is" yeah u sound really smart.. animal...
We're all gonna die but no one wanna talk about it. Fucking idiots. But then someone close to them dies and they are like Omgggg wow... This is horrible. It's like cut the shit, is life a gift or is it a curse? When bad shit happens I say "ha.. guess that's just life right?"
No it's not worth any fucking fleeting positive feeling this disgusting parasite planet has to offer. Not at all. And I know out of all these billions that lie and say they really enjoy it here though you can clearly see their coping mechanisms and them complain about life here an there especially when realities shit hits the fan, they wouldn't wanna live even a minute of the most horrific pain a being thats life was imposed here has had to face.
People worshipping rich people(celebs) I look around like.. aren't you fuckers poor asf? What about our economy? Fuck a movie, fuck a concert, fuck Taylor swifts next tour we gotta bigger Fucking issues.. fucking peasants look pathetic ASF pretending.. like shits okay.. hustling for a green piece of paper that has no real value but what humans slow ass done gave it. People kill each other over it. Go homeless over a piece of paper? Where's the heart? The "love" humanity should have for one another looking out for each other.. they be Selln their meat suit for money.. all these things folk do so they can have a comfortable home and shit they want an never have to work again (if we were more outwardly evolved like a gorilla or ape, with fur and strength and a stronger digestive system we wouldn't need clothes and houses heating system etc) it's like we've devolved.. no fur, horrible canines.. horrible digestive system.. like wtf kind of animal are we? were so dependent like pets on other beings for our survival..that's a horrible thing an these fuckers that have randomly been placed at the top take advantage of the fact that we don't know how to survive.
Eesh I wish normies would just stop going online pretending like life's amazing.. they look pathetic as shit. This world is hell and MFS look like this

A fucking kid can be a parent. A fucking pedo can be a parent so no you ain't all that special nor smart for doing what's expected of you. Think for yourself normie.
To follow instincts takes no rational thoughts. But to sit back question.. not be a sheep.. look at stuff birds eye view and think critically. That's fucking smart. Not "im doing this because it's natural" "I'm doing this because of legacy" "im doing this because everyone else is" yeah u sound really smart.. animal...
We're all gonna die but no one wanna talk about it. Fucking idiots. But then someone close to them dies and they are like Omgggg wow... This is horrible. It's like cut the shit, is life a gift or is it a curse? When bad shit happens I say "ha.. guess that's just life right?"