You're going, I went. I had 5 years of psychology courses, as that was then the minimum for a college degree here.
You're an interesting case study. So much rage... See, focus changed!

I have stopped interacting with OP way above, he'll do with my comments whatever he pleases. I do agree this method doesn't always work, but everything in life (and in psychology) comes with a risk. In everything, you have to assess the probabilities and decide which course to take. Sometimes you'll fail. And sometimes you'll plant a seed or even open up a new door. You know what never works? Never taking risks and never changing approaches.
Man, you are full of yourself. "So much rage"? What rage? I'm mildly annoy because you are being annoying. Also, please don't refer to me as "case study". I understand that you want to feel smart and all, but you are just further highlighting how much your parents in failed when it came to teaching you how to be nice.
You are trying to come off as though you have this "scientific mind", but in reality you are just highlighting how full of yourself you are. You are also making claims that based fully on your own feelings on the matter. What evidence do you have that they are surely going to do anything with your comments? You aren't a psychologist yet you treat yourself like you are one. Having a minor in psychology isn't the same as having a Ph.D or Psy.D, yet you are treating yourself as though you have one. Let's break a few things down:
- You don't know the OP, yet you automatically assume that your methods will work on them
- Along with that, because you don't actually know them or their medical history, this also means that your comments bring the risk of actually worsening their mental state instead of improving it
- What probabilities? You don't know the OP so you can't be assuming any probabilities based on whether you think it will work on them or not. You also can't used prior experiences with others as a way of testing probabilities since you would just be relying on anecdotal evidence at that point. That's not even to mention the fact that you seem to rely heavily on casual online interactions when gauging the effectiveness of your methods, which isn't reliable at all. So what probabilities are we talking about?
- Also, they didn't want your fucking advice, dude. They weren't looking for help and thus your rude and unsolicited advice is likely not going to do shit. If somebody isn't in a position in which they are looking for help, then stuff like what you are doing is unlikely to amount to much.
All you have managed to do is show off how much of an inflated ego you have, lol. You aren't their therapist, you are just a random person online. As
@NumbItAll said, take your shit back to Reddit, where it belongs.