Forever Sleep
Earned it we have...
- May 4, 2022
- 10,960
Maybe this question is better suited to the recovery section... However- it's more that I'm curious really. For those of us who lean more towards suicide as the most likely or even, prefered option- why?
Is it because you simply don't have any life hopes now? I sort of feel more like this. Even my original dreams for life don't look so appealing now!
Or, is it because you do want things but they feel unobtainable? If so- why? What is it tripping you up or, holding you back? Are you sure these things are insurmountable?
I'm not making the thread in terms of some airy fairy platitude- all things are possible crap. More as a query about our own psychological processes and decision making I suppose.
As for my own- as they used to stand (when I still had hopes and dreams) anyhow- they would go something like this:
What would make my life better? Career progression, possibly socialising more, unrealistically, a partner (perhaps.)
What's holding me back? Social anxiety mainly. Especially relating to a crushing lack of confidence with my work when around others. Regarding a partner, I'm not really willing to make myself more attractive or risk rejection from guys.
What can I do to solve those issues and, am I willing to try? I've given career progression a fair shot in the past. I worked alongside others in the hopes my social anxiety would fade and my confidence would grow- it didn't! I've gone through the whole trying to attract someone. I'm happy to let both go now really because, the relief of not having to do those things is so much nicer than putting myself through them!
I suppose ultimately, it's because doing uncomfortable things for 'the greater good' can sometimes work out and, they're really the only path I see towards recovery. But, they're simply too horrible and the reward likely too insignificant for me to want to put myself through that now.
What are your thought processes? If possible solutions do spring to mind, what puts you off or prevents you acting on them?
Is it because you simply don't have any life hopes now? I sort of feel more like this. Even my original dreams for life don't look so appealing now!
Or, is it because you do want things but they feel unobtainable? If so- why? What is it tripping you up or, holding you back? Are you sure these things are insurmountable?
I'm not making the thread in terms of some airy fairy platitude- all things are possible crap. More as a query about our own psychological processes and decision making I suppose.
As for my own- as they used to stand (when I still had hopes and dreams) anyhow- they would go something like this:
What would make my life better? Career progression, possibly socialising more, unrealistically, a partner (perhaps.)
What's holding me back? Social anxiety mainly. Especially relating to a crushing lack of confidence with my work when around others. Regarding a partner, I'm not really willing to make myself more attractive or risk rejection from guys.
What can I do to solve those issues and, am I willing to try? I've given career progression a fair shot in the past. I worked alongside others in the hopes my social anxiety would fade and my confidence would grow- it didn't! I've gone through the whole trying to attract someone. I'm happy to let both go now really because, the relief of not having to do those things is so much nicer than putting myself through them!
I suppose ultimately, it's because doing uncomfortable things for 'the greater good' can sometimes work out and, they're really the only path I see towards recovery. But, they're simply too horrible and the reward likely too insignificant for me to want to put myself through that now.
What are your thought processes? If possible solutions do spring to mind, what puts you off or prevents you acting on them?