What did hash feel like?
I've smoked an 1/8 of an ounce of weed but I probably did it wrong.
It was AWESOME :) well for me anyway everbody's different.Like some people love alcohol but i don't like the effects of that.
and some of my friends at the time even the smell of hash and they would be sick.You need to find the right amount to smoke,Too little not much
effect.Too much you get paranoid panic attacks and stuff.You get the munchies.
For me when i started hash first i used to laugh so much (usually at something which normally wouldn't be that funny) that the next day i would have pains in my sides and face :)
Then after using for awhile.The effects were more really stoned chilled out just want to relax kind of thing.
I found that with hash i was a lot more creative.I play electric guitar.And when stoned i would try to write a new song on guitar and some of them were really good.Would never have come up with them if i wasn't stoned.Would never remember them the next day.So i started to record them.and they were really good.
I guess thats why a lot of musician take drugs.Also while stoned i found that i noticed things that i wouldn't normaly notice.
Like in a song i would hear just an extra note on a guitar or a slightly different drum beat somewhere in a song where i thought the drum beat was the same the whole way through.Checking the next day that extra note or different beat was really there but i never noticed it before.
Also while stoned i would be watching tv and it would be the most AMAZING movie/tv show/documentary i ever saw
I would check the next day what i was watching download it and watch again without being stoned and it would be the biggest load of crap i have ever seen in my life LOL
Also if i smoked at night it was very good for sleeping.
I also tried weed/grass whatever but could only smoke small amounts or i get paranoid.
Much prefered hash.
I was often offered other drugs but never tried any(not that hash/weed is a drug it's a herb ? i think anyway)
probably leaving out lots this is all i can think of now
LOL ... i was going to give a short reply