I am in a similar situation.
Now, obviously some SS memebers advice isn't going to change your life for the better. But here it is anyways...
1.Focus on your kids more.. What ever goals they have supported them more than you did before. This has 2 positive outcomes. First, your kids will accomplish their goal faster and second, it will keep you too busy to think (too much) about suicide.
2. Allow yourself some off time. Do something for yourself. Wellness, traveling locally, discover and read good books, try new foods and coffee flavors to spice up your daily life etc..
3. Seek help from you partner. Be open about your pain and tell him what you need to feel better. Maybe you need a back massage regularly, long conversations, a bath to relax, etc
4. Now, my last advice is to realize the value of your life. This life, for all we know, is all we got. Sure you have emotional and physical pain, but with medication, dedication, and a bit of luck you should be able to hold on for your kids and especially for yourself.
These are things from the top of my head. I left setting goals and seek new hobbies out as its probably the number one advice you get from everyone and everywhere.
Good luck