- Apr 19, 2019
- 121
Hey. So I recently got out of a psych ward after a suicide attempt. I won't go into my life story but a basic run down is I'm a 35 yr old alcoholic and dependent on valium with excuricationg anxiety and panic attacks and depression. I had 5 months sobriety up to Jan 16 this year before I stupidly thought I could get drunk one night and leave it. Anyway 4 months later and the usual disasters -missed family events, debts, arguments, missed appointments, hospital visits- I had enough and made 4 attempts. One was suicide by cop where I tried to get them to shoot me (they didn't), one I tried cutting the artery in my arm, harder to find than people think, the other I took 50 vals and 50 temaz and was going to drown myself but I fell asleep first (lol) and then finally I was going to hang myself after a horrible day of scary halluciations after heavy drinking and decided once again to go to the hospital. Anyway they put me on a few meds but I hated being in there, and as soon as I got out I drank. Then I discovered this site. I'd say that probably most of us (?) have been through the whole "if you are feeling like this call a counsellor" thing but then they have a duty of care. They have to do something. It's law in most countries. I believe we should all have the right to choose when we want to finish up on this planet. My only regret is the hurt it will leave to my family. But they've had hints this is going to happen and it won't come as the biggest shock. Anyway unless you want to end up in a psych ward or have the cops banging on your door by some well meaning friend who doesn't know how bad your pain is - keep it to yourself. It's human nature to want to help preserve life. Open to others thoughts on this.