Terry A. Davis
- Aug 28, 2023
- 67
I was unable to hold down my job because I kept failing to be legally compliant on calls. At this place, if you fail even one tiny aspect of it through absentmindedness or focussing on something else (the latter of which was the case) you fail to be compliant and you get spoken to about it.
I was given extra training because I sucked so much. I was fine making sales and speaking to people but that doesnt matter if I am not 100% compliant. I feel like such a fucking idiot.
I kept focussing on what the customers were saying and trying to fix their issue and speaking to them and just forgot to do certain things. I was getting the hang of some of it but recently I did a call where I completely forgot to do something so easy at the very beginning to where my manager said I was actually going backwards.
I've been trying to make the situation seem more natural in conversations so I will bring up that I'm still struggling at work to people if they ask so when I do find the right time to tell people I've been fired it will seem more natural.
I only lasted a couple of months there and I have a habit of only lasting a few months or so at jobs before I leave or get fired. I REALLY tried my best to keep this job and I didn't lose it for lack of trying believe me.
I also felt some people I was working with despised me for some reason. Maybe (once again) they felt unconfortable with me because of Aspergers but I can never be sure. I had developed a happier personality going into the job but over time I found myself purposefully sitting by myself at lunch and breaks on my phone wearing earphones because I didn't want to talk to people. I was speaking to people all day for a living idk why its frowned upon to want some alone time during breaks.
So now I'm basically pretending to my family I am going to work but I'm actually just wandering around listening to podcasts and going for walks for 8 hours a day. I was supposed to start 11 hour shift pattern this week so I am going to have to wander around in the wilderness for 11 hours a day so people don't see me and know I'm unemployed which is fucking ridiculous.
I just don't want to disappoint my parents who think I'm finally becoming independant and holding down a full time job. Not really sure what to do.
P.S. I also have a plan of faking a mental breakdown (which in reality is a real one but im pretty good at pretending im ok) and going to the psychward for a bit. I just don't want to have arguments with them anymore I know im a useless retard I don't need to argue about it anymore.
I was given extra training because I sucked so much. I was fine making sales and speaking to people but that doesnt matter if I am not 100% compliant. I feel like such a fucking idiot.
I kept focussing on what the customers were saying and trying to fix their issue and speaking to them and just forgot to do certain things. I was getting the hang of some of it but recently I did a call where I completely forgot to do something so easy at the very beginning to where my manager said I was actually going backwards.
I've been trying to make the situation seem more natural in conversations so I will bring up that I'm still struggling at work to people if they ask so when I do find the right time to tell people I've been fired it will seem more natural.
I only lasted a couple of months there and I have a habit of only lasting a few months or so at jobs before I leave or get fired. I REALLY tried my best to keep this job and I didn't lose it for lack of trying believe me.
I also felt some people I was working with despised me for some reason. Maybe (once again) they felt unconfortable with me because of Aspergers but I can never be sure. I had developed a happier personality going into the job but over time I found myself purposefully sitting by myself at lunch and breaks on my phone wearing earphones because I didn't want to talk to people. I was speaking to people all day for a living idk why its frowned upon to want some alone time during breaks.
So now I'm basically pretending to my family I am going to work but I'm actually just wandering around listening to podcasts and going for walks for 8 hours a day. I was supposed to start 11 hour shift pattern this week so I am going to have to wander around in the wilderness for 11 hours a day so people don't see me and know I'm unemployed which is fucking ridiculous.
I just don't want to disappoint my parents who think I'm finally becoming independant and holding down a full time job. Not really sure what to do.
P.S. I also have a plan of faking a mental breakdown (which in reality is a real one but im pretty good at pretending im ok) and going to the psychward for a bit. I just don't want to have arguments with them anymore I know im a useless retard I don't need to argue about it anymore.