Oh I'm so sorry honey... I'm going through my own similar thing, not exactly but similar, and I'm in the greatest pain of my life right now, so I can say that I relate to it. Although, nosirens to what you said about "too damaged to love"?- That's what my love said about themselves as to why they can't love me properly or at all, and at the same time asked me to never leave them (they want this of everyone they meet that they feel were genuinely kind to them bc of abandonment issues), and now I'm just some distant, distant 'friend' that watches by while they hurt me doing things against my trauma that they know bc they don't want to help their impulses... I wasn't enough... And I gave it my entire soul, (I still am bc of difficult circumstances I guess), & they just cut me out one day, abdicating me to nothing special anymore, (all bc I requested going slower w/something bc of my trauma) and now I'm on the outs on purpose by him of everything... I'm caught in the middle of a very complicated (and the biggest pain of my entire life) matter of the heart, so dearest itistimetoleave, I know rotten emotions by being left behind by a loved one. And all of a sudden. You are not alone. I know it hurts. So, so bad. And you may even be replaying the happy times in your head, or ones you so thought they were, and now you find out they weren't so solid as you thought.. If not, if you're out of that circle and cycle of thought, that is an amazing thing bc that one can really hurt you. One consolation I can say is at least you can X him out of your life so you don't have to be a captured witness to him whilst all this is happening. You can focus on yourself and regroup for yourself. At least you have support here, and if you'd ever like to vent, always feel free to chat me up. But, please please be kind to yourself through your process of digesting this. Not only do you have to digest this emotionally, but logically as well- and those are very tender processes to do right now. And I hope talking about it helps- if you need to talk about it more, keep talking about it too. If you want to look at hobbies or things to do for yourself and enrich yourself, try finding some fun and/or meaningful things to do for yourself like that too. Maybe a class, maybe macrame, maybe drawing, poetry, volunteering something to be around people, all just thoughts, but make sure you're there for yourself and trying to nurture yourself right now. Sending big hugs your way, luv. I hope your heart heals in a good amount of time, and remember he doesn't dictate who you are. Hug~