Life is but a dream from death.
- Nov 30, 2024
- 257
I'm getting frustrated. I just want to die and that's it. I'm endlessly worried and I want to make it an easier transition on my family. I live with them, but we have a shed which I feel like I could hang myself in (will post details later) Is killing myself in the backyard of where we rent a good idea????? I don't want them to get evicted or anything from it. It's just easiest for me, compared to traveling for an hour to the forest. (My method is hanging) I would have to go to the forest before hand to know where to go... and I risk getting caught by someone hiking or something no?? As long as no one is home, and I know they're busy, I could have few hours where no one knows where I am. On the other hand, I want them to get closure on my body. I was planning to text my friend about 2-3 hours (pre made sms messsage) to come over and call the police, but don't check in the shed and say my goodbye message to him. Would it hurt my family more to know that's my last place i lived? They are spiritually inclined so I thought having easy access to where I dead would make it easier for them to do something that makes them feel better. Thanks everyone.