Epileptic here.
Topitrim - extremely vivid real life dreams. Standard work day dreams: wake up, go to work, come home, get in bed, WAKE UP IRL! Every day. I was questioning my sanity. There was also a plethora of out-of-body experiences. Imagine seeing yourself in third person view. Felt like Inception for about a month, untill I shuffled to my neuro and begged for literally anything else.
No seizures, though, but not worth it even without seizures.
Depalept chrono (with topitrim) - Lack of appetite. None what-so-ever. I had to put alarms to remind me to eat. Also, zombiefying drug. No third person view, at least, but still inception-y dreams. At least this time I could tell these are dreams, since rhinos busting out of walls is not a common thing. Usually. But hey, it worked well as an antidepressant! Have you ever seen a depressed zombie?
Some amount of gran mal seizures.
Depalept chrono (with levecirateam) - Zombie mode 24/7 and no sense of time. Time passed in a scary fast blur. More lack of appetite. Lost about 40kg at that point, even WITH the alarms. No dreams to speak of, general weakness, could barely lift 10kg.
Low amount of gran mal seizures.
Levecirateam - Depression, zombieness and rage. We're talking either completely sedated zombie, or I'm reaching for your arteries with great vigor. Apparently, this is common enough to be called "kepprage". Keppra+rage. Ha. Haha. Ha.
Medium amount of gran mal seizures.
Vimpat - I don't know how to describe this. When on vimpat alone, it was... I honestly can't remember those two months or so, and I think it's for the best. No kepprage, but there was something else. Not rage. Also, lots of seizures. Much more than the three above.
Levecirateam (with vimpat) - I'm relatively stable. Relatively being the key word. Still dealing with kepprage here and there, but it's easier to catch. Constipation, kinda. Pooping is not too difficult most of the time, it's just that it happens maybe once a week, and it feels like shooting a cannonball out of my ass. It does not smell, though. VERY increased thirst. I can consume about a quarter of those 9 gallon bottles you see on office water dispensers on my own through the day. I think my kidneys are broken. My urine will be yellow once in the morning, and afterwards it looks like I'm pissing strictly water.
No gran mal seizures (well, after the first two) after my body finished adjusting.
I'm currently on Leve+Vimpat, sitting and waiting for my goddamn surgery. Got a big meeting tomorrow.