I am Skynet
- Oct 15, 2023
- 1,855
"First Traces" Of Solar Cycle 26 Detected On Sun | ZeroHedge
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero
There is some evidence for solar cycles impacting the climate on Mars, but most of the climate change over the past hundred years has been human caused. There is some evidence that without farming clearing forests adding carbon dioxide and rice paddies emitting methane (starting a few thousand years ago) we would be entering a new Ice Age by now.
In the very, very, very long term, the sun's strength is the key factor – it will boil our oceans and cook the planet in around a billion years (unless we move the earth outward, or find some other fix).
In the short term, the sun seems pretty constant in terms of its optical output. The main short-term variability in the sun has been in how strongly its magnetic field deflects cosmic rays (which affects cloudiness).
In the medium-term, we do not know because we do not have accurate measurements of the sun's power for even a few centuries ago (we can rule out huge changes, but not yet changes of a few percent, by looking at other stars in the main sequence).
The angle of the earth is what creates seasons for one and many ice ages were caused by cycles in the earths orbit. But the effect of cloud coverage is thought to be the biggest uncertainty in the best current climate models.
Maunder Minimum - Wikipedia
Sun spots can affect agricultural mainly through the sun's magnetic field and sweeping aside cosmic rays, which affects cloud formation
Sun cycle - probably some effect (clouds/rain).
Lunar cycle - maybe some effect via effect on people, but minor esp. now that people are less in tune with the moon (artificial light).