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    As you know, censorship around the world has been ramping up at an alarming pace. The UK and OFCOM has singled out this community and have been focusing its censorship efforts here. It takes a good amount of resources to maintain the infrastructure for our community and to resist this censorship. We would appreciate any and all donations.

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Oct 3, 2023
is there anything online (like in a discord, or on another site) that will drive you up the wall?

i'll say mine: specific people in group chats that will constantly either try to talk over you, one up you, or immediately try to respond to you so they can be the center of attention.
it gets me SO mad, but they're not doing anything actually wrong other than just being kind of annoying. and what's worse is that they have like plausible deniability so you really are just kind of stuck!
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Message In A Bottle

Message In A Bottle

📜 Just me, myself, and I
Apr 1, 2022
There's certain group of people who like to use pet names, and overly expressive emojis in their arguments that I find immature. It always consists of the following:😭😂☺️🥰😘💀❤️

They all sound the same too…NPC's mimicking how other NPC's handle drama by applying it to their own. And it just makes them lose any credibility in my eyes. Not only that, it's never really THAT big of a deal to be arguing over (with internet strangers no less) anyways. Not like it's going to magically change anything other than the winner getting a power trip.
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Aug 5, 2024
people expecting an immediate reply from you or expecting you to be avaliable at all times. this isn't inherently bad but good GOD it aggravates me
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Grumpy Frog

Grumpy Frog

Feb 20, 2025
On the discord server I am in specifically for a game I like people simp over so many characters and it annoys me so much, I don't want to hear about your attraction to pixels it makes me just ehhhh. There's even a rule in the discord no excessive simping because of how people are lol. Some are even attracted to the animal side kick I guess...

For text message I hate when I say multiple things/questions in one paragraph and they respond to the least important one.

For TikTok, I hate how the term graped instead of raped is a thing along with other words I forgot because it is so fucking stupid. They'll say it when talking about cases of real people. I don't care when it is someone saying their story with the word graped but when some true crime tiktoker says "She was gang graped by 10 men" it really makes me have a reaction. But it seem like it is so common. Just bleep out the word and mouth it. The algorithm never catches that I've seen it so much too.

Then general online stuff, I hate people who have no common sense and can't fact check as a teen or adult. Like we all learned what reliable sources are in school, USE THEM.
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New Member
Mar 5, 2025
Rage bait. Such a shocking opinion. I just find it sick when people say rude stuff on a post about missing or dead people. Like "The world kept spinning" and Etc. That comment was on a TT about a missing indigneous girl who was found dismembered. It's just sick on how people on social media now lack morals and empathy.
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Seered Doom

Seered Doom

A nihilist going through an unrelinquished Hell
Sep 9, 2023
People who say what self go through = fake
Not only because that not true, but also they not our therapist or doctor or self. Who are they to judge?
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
One of my biggest pet peeves is when I come across one of those YouTube videos where a YouTuber tries to sound all deep and shit despite the fact that everything that they are saying is completely surface-level with them having done only the bare minimum of research. Sometimes, they don't even do the bare minimum! Hell, a lot of the time they don't do the bare minimum! But what gets me more is when I go into the comment section to find people lapping up that shit. They just take it! They act as though the conclusion the video came to was some sort of deep and thoughtful shit but most of the time it isn't!

I understand that sometimes children might be quick to latch onto this kind of shit. It's understandable. It's when adults do it that annoys me the most. It's like some people are more focused on trying to sound deep rather than thinking about things more deeply. This isn't to say that I'm that much of a deep thinker since I don't consider myself as such. I understand that people can sometimes be quick to latch onto anything that gives them what they perceive to be a clear answer, even if said answer is incorrect. Still, it's strange that those people in the comments will hold themselves in such high regard, acting as though they are thinking super deeply when they really aren't. They kind of remind me of Brian Griffin from Family Guy. They will say shit like "That's what I've been saying" when all they were saying was surface-level bs that everybody has said before.

Maybe this is less of an online pet peeve more of just a general pet peeve I have with people, but I mostly see this shit online so I'll just categorize it as one.

There are so many content creators out there who have such well-craft, well-researched videos in which you can clearly tell that so much careful thought was put into them and those videos honestly deserve more love compared to the shitty fake deep bullshit videos that the algorithm sometimes pushes.
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Oct 3, 2023
There's certain group of people who like to use pet names, and overly expressive emojis in their arguments that I find immature. It always consists of the following:😭😂☺️🥰😘💀❤️

They all sound the same too…NPC's mimicking how other NPC's handle drama by applying it to their own. And it just makes them lose any credibility in my eyes. Not only that, it's never really THAT big of a deal to be arguing over (with internet strangers no less) anyways. Not like it's going to magically change anything other than the winner getting a power trip.
oh yeah totally. its incredibly patronizing.
people expecting an immediate reply from you or expecting you to be avaliable at all times. this isn't inherently bad but good GOD it aggravates me
yeah!! there was a guy last year that kept doing that to me, or pinging me every time i was online. i had to go invisible for a while and in the end i just blocked him good.
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trapped in a maze
Nov 18, 2024
I completely agree with EvisceratedJester. Especially when I just need a small piece of information and have to listen to a long intro or skip back and forth through the video when the whole thing could've been quickly explained in a short article with a decent screenshot. I find it so much easier to jump back and forth through text rather than a video.
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Sep 10, 2018
One the current ones is parrots spamming "media literacy" and "Americans have the reading level of sixth graders".

A: I don't like that kid who always has to cut in even when he has nothing to say. I wish he'd shut up. there're five main characters in the story yet half the dialogue is his speaking and reacting like a little dumb kid "Wowww, that's cool! You get to fight dinosaurs! That's awesome!" "Really? Really? Really? Amazing!" etc.
B: Media literacy! He is literally a child, and he suffered from muteness for the first ten years of his life, but now that it's cured, he loves to talk to make up for all the years he couldn't talk! How can you not understand that! You are one of those 25% of Americans who has the reading level of sixth grader!
A: Yeah, I know why he does it, I still hate it! I can know why a poison poisons and still hate poison! And not everyone is American, stop that America-centrism!

Next christmas when someone says "I don't like hearing Xmas songs all through December a million times"
A quarter of Redditors will yell "Media literacy! Sixth grade thinking! American! They play Christmas songs in December, because Christmas is in December!"


And down votes. Often I want to post a question or just make an observation or post an innocent opinion, but I won't because there's a 50% chance I'll get down votes. I still think reddit should have something like "one free downvote per hour, if you want more, pay us". That way people can still downvote, reddit gets money to keep servers going, but people won't downvote you just for being assholes, being masshives who downvotes when others downvotes without even reading it, or for disagreeing, or for having a bad day. People would actually have to think "Gee, is this post actually bad and deserving of down votes?". And even if people still downvoted you, they wouldn't mass downvote you.

There's one game series I love, but its subreddit is so toxic. For example, the game company posts a statement. One of the users, who doesn't work for the company and is just a fan, is a messenger and tells the others what the game company said, and instead of attacking the game company, they attack the messenger.

So it goes like

User 1: Has the game company said anything about the issues
User 2: Here's a link to their statement. Basically, they said they don't see any issues.
Every dumbass on that subreddit: Let's mass downvote User 2 who did nothing wrong and just said what the game company said!

I also hate the whole upvote downvote system, because it discourages discussions and new ideas, but also promotes misinformation. So a person can post "I think it's weird in the books that X would do Y even if Z", and I see it have a hundred downvotes and think "They must have explained it in the books, it's probably not weird at all! He is incorrect!" when the truth is there's nothing in the books that disproves his opinion and people are just being idiots downvoting.

And I've seen cases where a person says something like "I found a plot hole! She shouldn't be able to swim because she is a vampire" and gets hundres of upvotes, despite the first comment being about how it's not a plot hole, because the books clearly explain vampires can't swim in water, but it wasn't water, it was blood.


The way groups go either completely that way or this way.

So if I'm like "I hate 90% of X, but I do support 10% of X". I first have to go to the anti group, post "Wow, I hate X, especially 90% of it!", then go to pro group and post "Wow, I love X, especially that 10% of it!". There's no place where I can critize freely while also admitting that there is one good thing about it.

Sometimes there are groups where you can say "half is bad, half is good", but try to find a group where you can say "Almost all of it is bad, but it does have one good thing".
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Jan 4, 2022
Seeing everyone develop the same sort of parroted vocabulary and sentence structure. It's hard to explain, but it makes me irrationally angry because, most likely, I'm just an insufferable hermit. For example, I was seeing "see, that's why I xyz" as response to everything. Again, there's nothing inherently wrong with it, but when every second sentence starts the same everywhere I go, I start losing my mind.

And the general being unable to form coherent thoughts or sentences on deep topics. I'm certainly guilty of this myself, but the overuse of slang and reliance on "it's not that deep" rubs me the wrong way. Combined with a lack of nuance, care, and this obsession with everything being 'problematic', i.e., you write about a dark topic, therefore you condone it, I feel just a bit concerned for the future.

I won't sit here and pretend I'm the perfectly articulate last bastion of intelligence, but I think short form content and text has done a lot more harm than good. Especially to those who are/have grown up on it.
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Apr 22, 2024
Seeing everyone develop the same sort of parroted vocabulary and sentence structure. It's hard to explain, but it makes me irrationally angry because, most likely, I'm just an insufferable hermit. For example, I was seeing "see, that's why I xyz" as response to everything. Again, there's nothing inherently wrong with it, but when every second sentence starts the same everywhere I go, I start losing my mind.

And the general being unable to form coherent thoughts or sentences on deep topics. I'm certainly guilty of this myself, but the overuse of slang and reliance on "it's not that deep" rubs me the wrong way. Combined with a lack of nuance, care, and this obsession with everything being 'problematic', i.e., you write about a dark topic, therefore you condone it, I feel just a bit concerned for the future.

I won't sit here and pretend I'm the perfectly articulate last bastion of intelligence, but I think short form content and text has done a lot more harm than good.
EXACTLY!!!! This is somewhat related to your point on useless memespeak -- I especially like how a lot of Twitter/Tiktok/Insta Reels users like to rag on Redditors or whatever for having corny slang, but they have it even worse......??? I don't even like Reddit for a multitude of reasons, but every social media-addicted, self-righteous, cynical loser is just as bad as the next one. Way to have a completely unearned and unfounded superiority complex over which fucking brands you cram into your eyeballs 24/7. Don't these people hate "corposlop?" What's with the brand loyalty? Many of these people literally speak in meme structures, slang, and thought-terminating cliches. It's not even particularly "funny" so much as it protects these people from thinking and being vulnerable. It's capitalistic in a way, this constant incentive to optimize your speech in order to maximize the amount of likes and validation. Everyone's addicted to validation and scrolling and dunking on people and being right. It's repulsive to me. I immediately get mad whenever someone talks like this. Like some kind of social media derangement syndrome.

Letterboxd also sets a pretty horrible precedent for what you're talking about, because it's a hobby-orientated platform that encourages lazy, half-assed "Tweeting." It's so bereft of information or trivia or any legitimate value compared to predecessors like IMDb. Do people seriously laugh the 50th time they read a Letterboxd review that goes something along the lines of "gayyyyy! so iconic! she ate and left no crumbs and this happened to my buddy eric?" It's like Pavlovian conditioning -- you're a vapid, phone-addicted young person. So am I. We share speaking patterns. We like memes. You'll laugh. Something has always felt very sinister about it to me, and a lot of it I can't really put into words.

I'm so glad I haven't used any of these websites/apps in almost a year. I am completely out of the loop on trends at this point, and I deliberately go out of my way to avoid them. This forum, aside from suicide, is honest-to-god reprise from ragebait and the insidious homogenization of thoughts. The only way to win the game, imo, is not to play.
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Jan 4, 2022
EXACTLY!!!! This is somewhat related to your point on useless memespeak -- I especially like how a lot of Twitter/Tiktok/Insta Reels users like to rag on Redditors or whatever for having corny slang, but they have it even worse......??? I don't even like Reddit for a multitude of reasons, but every social media-addicted, self-righteous, cynical loser is just as bad as the next one. Way to have a completely unearned and unfounded superiority complex over which fucking brands you cram into your eyeballs 24/7. Don't these people hate "corposlop?" What's with the brand loyalty? Many of these people literally speak in meme structures, slang, and thought-terminating cliches. It's not even particularly "funny" so much as it protects these people from thinking and being vulnerable. It's capitalistic in a way, this constant incentive to optimize your speech in order to maximize the amount of likes and validation. Everyone's addicted to validation and scrolling and dunking on people and being right. It's repulsive to me. I immediately get mad whenever someone talks like this. Like some kind of social media derangement syndrome.

Letterboxd also sets a pretty horrible precedent for what you're talking about, because it's a hobby-orientated platform that encourages lazy, half-assed "Tweeting." It's so bereft of information or trivia or any legitimate value compared to predecessors like IMDb. Do people seriously laugh the 50th time they read a Letterboxd review that goes something along the lines of "gayyyyy! so iconic! she ate and left no crumbs and this happened to my buddy eric?" It's like Pavlovian conditioning -- you're a vapid, phone-addicted young person. So am I. We share speaking patterns. We like memes. You'll laugh. Something has always felt very sinister about it to me, and a lot of it I can't really put into words.

I'm so glad I haven't used any of these websites/apps in almost a year. I am completely out of the loop on trends at this point, and I deliberately go out of my way to avoid them. This forum, aside from suicide, is honest-to-god reprise from ragebait and the insidious homogenization of thoughts. The only way to win the game, imo, is not to play.
I think you're spot on. I'm mostly referring to Reddit because for as much as I hate it, it's also the only place I'll find pages left for my niche interests, and given they're typically small and female centric, I avoid some of the bullshit, but not nearly enough. Never used any of the rest, and I'm glad I don't because they sound even worse to me.

What especially bothers me is how the whole influencer and memespeak has leaked into corporate branding as a way to "be hip" and lure in the young people. Wendy's and Duolingo are two examples I can think of off the top of my head, but it definitely goes beyond them. Very dystopian.

And when it comes to any platform, from Goodreads to Youtube and so on, they're all royally fucked and infected. Worst part is, the real world isn't any better because everyone and their mother is too glued to the digital world to look up for a single conversation.

It's not even a conspiracy to say it's intentional and going as planned; money's at the heart of it and it's working.
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I knew I forgot to do something when I was 15...
Mar 26, 2024
I completely agree with EvisceratedJester. Especially when I just need a small piece of information and have to listen to a long intro or skip back and forth through the video when the whole thing could've been quickly explained in a short article with a decent screenshot. I find it so much easier to jump back and forth through text rather than a video.
I genuinely miss blogs and articles for this reason. I can skim a text page so must more efficiently than trying to skip through a video.
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Apr 22, 2024
I think you're spot on. I'm mostly referring to Reddit because for as much as I hate it, it's also the only place I'll find pages left for my niche interests, and given they're typically small and female centric, I avoid some of the bullshit, but not nearly enough. Never used any of the rest, and I'm glad I don't because they sound even worse to me.

What especially bothers me is how the whole influencer and memespeak has leaked into corporate branding as a way to "be hip" and lure in the young people. Wendy's and Duolingo are two examples I can think of off the top of my head, but it definitely goes beyond them. Very dystopian.

And when it comes to any platform, from Goodreads to Youtube and so on, they're all royally fucked and infected. Worst part is, the real world isn't any better because everyone and their mother is too glued to the digital world to look up for a single conversation.

It's not even a conspiracy to say it's intentional and going as planned; money's at the heart of it and it's working.
I say that about Reddit because I know it's likened to "corniness" to "be a Redditor." But it definitely has been plagued in recent years by the same dispassionate and meme-obsessed idiots. And there's nothing wrong with memes, but I've kinda come to hate what they represent and the way young people just throw all compassion away to be class clown #5000 :/ It's sad because I feel like Reddit is one of the only places you can find people who aren't infected by this annoying nonsense anymore, even if they come nowhere close to the sophistication or all-encompassing knowledge of something like a VBulletin board from way back when. I'd love to say "at least it's something" but the Internet used to be so much more than "at least." The worst thing about the Reddit app is those recommended posts from subreddits you're not even subscribed to. I think there is a way to turn these off in settings, and maybe that could help a little? Of course it's probably difficult and buggy, because you've gotta have that added layer of addiction for a 6% uptick in quarterly profit. I honestly only use it through Safari and my computer atp.

Not Reddit related (thank God right?), but something I think you might also like, since you mentioned niche hobbies, is Marginalia search. It's a good way to find weird little niche websites that Google SEO crap buries. You might find a cool Neocities site, or a Wordpress blog or two. Cloudhiker is also like a revival of StumbleUpon -- you click a button and discover a new website that often has a lot of heart.

The Internet really has infected reality. And all the worst parts of it. Everyone's talking about The Internet. And trends. And political ragebait/propaganda. "Social" media is far less true socialization, and more just absent-mindedly scrolling through a colorful feed and talking to no one. It's social in that it offers the illusion of company. I think all we can do for now is try to detox and hope for the better... someday. I get by via ignorant bliss.
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May 27, 2024
When you have a tech problem, you find a thread with someone else who had the exact same problem only for the last post to be something like, sll sorted. When you come across, or search for, a thread only for someone to say, use search, or this has been asked before and usually the thread to be locked. Mega/merge threads. Moderators being rtards, for example I once searched for a way to replace music in a game, came across a thread asking just that only for the "solution" to be to have it playing in the background, people kept asking if there was a real solution only for a moderator to lock the thread stating there is already a solution, turns out there was a real solution.
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