One the current ones is parrots spamming "media literacy" and "Americans have the reading level of sixth graders".
A: I don't like that kid who always has to cut in even when he has nothing to say. I wish he'd shut up. there're five main characters in the story yet half the dialogue is his speaking and reacting like a little dumb kid "Wowww, that's cool! You get to fight dinosaurs! That's awesome!" "Really? Really? Really? Amazing!" etc.
B: Media literacy! He is literally a child, and he suffered from muteness for the first ten years of his life, but now that it's cured, he loves to talk to make up for all the years he couldn't talk! How can you not understand that! You are one of those 25% of Americans who has the reading level of sixth grader!
A: Yeah, I know why he does it, I still hate it! I can know why a poison poisons and still hate poison! And not everyone is American, stop that America-centrism!
Next christmas when someone says "I don't like hearing Xmas songs all through December a million times"
A quarter of Redditors will yell "Media literacy! Sixth grade thinking! American! They play Christmas songs in December, because Christmas is in December!"
And down votes. Often I want to post a question or just make an observation or post an innocent opinion, but I won't because there's a 50% chance I'll get down votes. I still think reddit should have something like "one free downvote per hour, if you want more, pay us". That way people can still downvote, reddit gets money to keep servers going, but people won't downvote you just for being assholes, being masshives who downvotes when others downvotes without even reading it, or for disagreeing, or for having a bad day. People would actually have to think "Gee, is this post actually bad and deserving of down votes?". And even if people still downvoted you, they wouldn't mass downvote you.
There's one game series I love, but its subreddit is so toxic. For example, the game company posts a statement. One of the users, who doesn't work for the company and is just a fan, is a messenger and tells the others what the game company said, and instead of attacking the game company, they attack the messenger.
So it goes like
User 1: Has the game company said anything about the issues
User 2: Here's a link to their statement. Basically, they said they don't see any issues.
Every dumbass on that subreddit: Let's mass downvote User 2 who did nothing wrong and just said what the game company said!
I also hate the whole upvote downvote system, because it discourages discussions and new ideas, but also promotes misinformation. So a person can post "I think it's weird in the books that X would do Y even if Z", and I see it have a hundred downvotes and think "They must have explained it in the books, it's probably not weird at all! He is incorrect!" when the truth is there's nothing in the books that disproves his opinion and people are just being idiots downvoting.
And I've seen cases where a person says something like "I found a plot hole! She shouldn't be able to swim because she is a vampire" and gets hundres of upvotes, despite the first comment being about how it's not a plot hole, because the books clearly explain vampires can't swim in water, but it wasn't water, it was blood.
The way groups go either completely that way or this way.
So if I'm like "I hate 90% of X, but I do support 10% of X". I first have to go to the anti group, post "Wow, I hate X, especially 90% of it!", then go to pro group and post "Wow, I love X, especially that 10% of it!". There's no place where I can critize freely while also admitting that there is one good thing about it.
Sometimes there are groups where you can say "half is bad, half is good", but try to find a group where you can say "Almost all of it is bad, but it does have one good thing".