If I understand right, opio + benzo OD is a reliable, efficient and 100% painless method, and I think I remember a post where you already talked about that with good precision but I don't manage to find it back. I remember you talked that the most important was opio, and next benzo. For example morphin you said, and for someone who never took opio at all, around 800 mg of morphin (4 pills of 200mg) + benzos (I forgot the quantity you indicated) would work 100% for sure, wouldn't it ? I would like to be sure about what you said because you seem to have strong knowledges about that. But impossible to find your previous post about that. If you can just confirm my memories are right (or correct them if wrong) ? Thank you.
Yes, you are more or less correct.
Opioid is the main susbstance that depress CNS (Central Nervous System). And by depress, I mean slow it down, so heavily that even the involuntary reflex like breathing, is compromised. However, they give you relaxation, euphoria and unconsciousness way before this happens. So you are unconscious first, and while conscious, you don't feel any pain.
Opioid alone can kill, but remember not to use weak ones, like Codeine or Tramadol (and they are easiest to get).
Moderate-strong ones like Morphine, Oxycodone, or strong ones like Heroin or Fentanyl are the best for that.
For a person that doesn't have tolerance for opioids (haven't abused them, aren't addicted), yes, 4-5 tablets of strongest dose morphine pill (200mg), which means 800-1000mg would be more than enough to kill. [*Note - you have to BE SURE how many mg is in your tablet!!! 200mg is the strongest morphine dose, and is pretty rare on the market. If you have for example 20mg tablets, you need not 4-5, but 40-50 accordingly].
But to be sure, we potentiate it with benzodiazepines, which are anti-anxiety, hypnotic and muscle relaxant agents. Benzos can kill alone, but you need shit ton of them, and its still not reliable. So we use them to potentiate opioids. Opioid+benzodiazepine exhibit synergy, which means their combined effect is higher than you would expect.
If you want to OD and CTB, you search for synergy. Synergy is our friend. It's like 5+5 is not 10, but 15.
To CTB ideally you would need 600-1000mg morphine (or oxycodone), heroin 200-400mg is enough, fentanyl even less) AND benzodiazepines, the more the better, but as a minimum i advise 100-200mg valium (diazepam) or 20-40mg klonopin (clonazepam), similar for lorazepam or xanax (alprazolam).
[*Even 200-400mg which is ONLY 1-2 pills will imo 80% kill every opioid naive person, if he mixed it with big benzo dose, and crushed the tablets. But I advise 600-1000 because we want to approach 99-100%].
Those values are enough to make you 100% ctb, even with oral route (I suppose IV is out of question for opioid-naive person). Remember to crush all pills, and to swallow them with water, the best on empty stomach (why crush? because this way absorption is faster, also many big dose opioid tablets, like morph 200mg is a "sustained-release" mechanism, and we want it to be released ASAP, so crushing bypasses this mechanism). After 5-10min you should feel strong euphoria, relaxation and that your problems doesn't exist. Detachment and sleepiness will quickly follow. After 15-20min you are unconscious and respiratory depression sets in. After 1h you are done (although to be safe, be sure no one finds you for at least 3h).
Opioid+benzodiazepine is the method which is the closest to Nembutal (a barbiturate - it works the same way, CNS depressant --> respiratory depression).
Most people who advocate against it, think it's like other Overdoses - on cardiac/antidepressant/OTC drugs like paracetamol). Oh, how wrong these people are. Overdose on one substance is vastly different than on another. Opioid+benzo is the best bet when it comes to OD. I think misunderstanding is because only a small % of people got access to opioids.
DO NOT try to OD on other substances like cardiac drugs, antidepressants, paracetamol etc. They are not reliable at all, and cause suffering.
Opioid+Benzodiazepine - best bet.
Opioid alone - still a good chance, even without benzo (you can try to replace benzo with other CNS depressants like alcohol, pregabalin).
Benzodiazepine alone - not painful, but very unreliable, 95% you will not succeed
Other substances - Do Not Even Try.