Whats comin will come an well meet it when it does
- May 28, 2024
- 82

This is my first post in the recovery section. I found this website a few months ago and had posted a few times in the suicide discussion.
I've had a few rough, rough years. So many things happened and my life was completely turned upside down.
A unwanted divorce that was super quick, being replaced after 8 years within 2 weeks. Lost my best friend, a dog, was diagnosed with borderline, fired, financial problems. It's been a tough ride. I looked up some statistics on borderline and it said that 75 ish % attempt suicide. What a bleak outlook. And I get it, I mean my god, borderline is a special hell.
So I got to the point of where I was in so much pain that suicide seemed to be my only option. I found this website, and I read a few threads of people who successfully used SN. I read some of the "transcripts/timestamped/timelines (idk what else to call it) and researched the mechanism of what happens.
And it made me so sad. And through all the self hate I have for myself, there was a glimpse of compassion.
I just imagined my body and heart and cells fighting like crazy to survive. Trying to compensate, but not being able to. And I just wanted to give myself a hug. To realize that my body would be fighting for me, but my mind would give up. My soul desperately trying to hold on.
It made me think. And it made me re evaluate.
I know the things that have happened to me are not anything....super terrible. Life happens. Bad things happen. And we cope with it. Obviously as someone with multiple mental health problems, I am not great at coping. But I had this thought: if my brain can make me feel this sad & depressed, it needs to have the capacity for the opposite too.
So anyway, I don't want to give up yet. I'm not