- Dec 22, 2021
- 133
TL;DR People are by and large just a bunch of selfish followers who don't truly give a crap about anything but themselves. They'd literally eat babies and puppies for breakfast if it meant they'd become rich and famous and win a billion dollars for it.
The title basically...people in general are basically almost entirely the same. They just follow whatever's popular at the moment, regardless of what it is. Remember that long ago (or not even THAT long ago) slavery and racism were considered "cool," and people rolled with it. These days it's considered "uncool," so people decide against it, but if it became "cool" once again then people who "claim" to be "supportive and tolerant of all different races" would suddenly become "YEAH NOPE I HAVE ALWAYS HATED BLACK PEOPLE ALL ALONG HAHAHA RACISM IS COOL NOW SO I'M GONNA FOLLOW IT!"
Be aware though, I do NOT claim to be better than other people. I am just as bad, if not even worse. I know I'm a piece of shit too. I hate other people, yes. But I also hate myself. So I guess that "balances" it out? Maybe?
But people in general just by and large act the same and think the same. It's more or less "you've met one human, you've met them all."
The only "exceptions" would be mentally ill people whose brains are wired differently than neurotypical people's brains, but even they have set patterns once you get to know them better.
But yeah...people in general are sheep, and just follow what's popular, regardless of how good or bad it is, or if it makes sense or not.
I bet you a billion dollars that all these people who "are so supportive of LGBTQ+ rights" and "who are all for body positivity and support fat women and plus sized models" would suddenly become "LOL NOPE I HAVE ALWAYS HATED GAY PEOPLE AND FAT WOMEN ALL ALONG HAHAHAHA HOMOPHOBIA AND FAT SHAMING IS COOL AGAIN NOW!"
And people by and large are also extremely selfish, and only care for themselves. 99.99% of people would kill and eat their parents if it meant they'd win a billion bucks. They'd probably even rape a child or rape a dog for a billion bucks, also.
And yeah...that's it...I hate people. For the record, I'm not better. I'm extremely selfish too. I follow what's popular regardless of what it is so people don't make fun of me. I have no sympathy for humans or animals. I don't have sympathy for anyone or anything. I wouldn't hesitate to ruin's someone life if they dared cross me. All that stuff. And I hate myself too. So I hate myself for being a shitty person, and I hate everyone else for being a shitty person.
Of the 8 billion (is it 8 billion really?) human population I believe the percentage of good humans is EXACTLY ZERO. As in 0%. Period. Good humans don't exist in my book.
The title basically...people in general are basically almost entirely the same. They just follow whatever's popular at the moment, regardless of what it is. Remember that long ago (or not even THAT long ago) slavery and racism were considered "cool," and people rolled with it. These days it's considered "uncool," so people decide against it, but if it became "cool" once again then people who "claim" to be "supportive and tolerant of all different races" would suddenly become "YEAH NOPE I HAVE ALWAYS HATED BLACK PEOPLE ALL ALONG HAHAHA RACISM IS COOL NOW SO I'M GONNA FOLLOW IT!"
Be aware though, I do NOT claim to be better than other people. I am just as bad, if not even worse. I know I'm a piece of shit too. I hate other people, yes. But I also hate myself. So I guess that "balances" it out? Maybe?
But people in general just by and large act the same and think the same. It's more or less "you've met one human, you've met them all."
The only "exceptions" would be mentally ill people whose brains are wired differently than neurotypical people's brains, but even they have set patterns once you get to know them better.
But yeah...people in general are sheep, and just follow what's popular, regardless of how good or bad it is, or if it makes sense or not.
I bet you a billion dollars that all these people who "are so supportive of LGBTQ+ rights" and "who are all for body positivity and support fat women and plus sized models" would suddenly become "LOL NOPE I HAVE ALWAYS HATED GAY PEOPLE AND FAT WOMEN ALL ALONG HAHAHAHA HOMOPHOBIA AND FAT SHAMING IS COOL AGAIN NOW!"
And people by and large are also extremely selfish, and only care for themselves. 99.99% of people would kill and eat their parents if it meant they'd win a billion bucks. They'd probably even rape a child or rape a dog for a billion bucks, also.
And yeah...that's it...I hate people. For the record, I'm not better. I'm extremely selfish too. I follow what's popular regardless of what it is so people don't make fun of me. I have no sympathy for humans or animals. I don't have sympathy for anyone or anything. I wouldn't hesitate to ruin's someone life if they dared cross me. All that stuff. And I hate myself too. So I hate myself for being a shitty person, and I hate everyone else for being a shitty person.
Of the 8 billion (is it 8 billion really?) human population I believe the percentage of good humans is EXACTLY ZERO. As in 0%. Period. Good humans don't exist in my book.