USA environment is very different, if you talk about religion in a shitty country, you can get yourself problems or even get killed. The society and environment and laws are very different.
Intelligence is non-concrete struct and not a physical/mathematical one to be calculated and given static numbers. Everyone have different meaning of intelligence. What you get from tests and prizes will never cover the whole cognition and the whole aspects of the human life.
Reducing the whole life complexities which if numerically represented would give an enormous and even endless amount of numbers to IQ and Noble prizes which are little integers is misleading. You can't force everyone to believe in this structs and I won't talk about the political side.
Naming an invention? Well I'm assuring you people can invent but no support from anything. If there is no support and no media coverage none will know about them. For example, Adel Mahmood is an Egyptian-American doctor who died recently. If he stayed in Egypt nobody will know about his discoveries but he went to the US and his accomplishments will be considered American. Adel Mahmood created and made vaccines.
Also the language barrier and political issues prevents anyone from seeing the truth, knowledge and development isn't a monopoly of the west. If you just listen to media then you won't know anything but go to these countries and look at their universities and students.
Iran for example is very developing country with huge scientific growth rate, their academic research papers and publishing of books and titles are increasing and in some fields like chemistry they became from the top numbers in the world. But would anyone talk about them? No. Why? Fucking politics and propaganda and everyone is judging without seeing these country physically which is very different from what media says.
Politics is shit and democracy is shit and it has nothing to do with correctness. Plus not all of the countries are democratric. Gulf countries which are huge US allies are monarchies. Democracy doesn't mean the best but means the dictatorship of majority. Not to mention the corporations and money influences (which even happens in US). Third world countries democracy is a joke. An already heavily religious and other retarded ideas plus the influences of external political forces. It is the fault of the people + the fucking fault of outside forces like US which abuses and interferes. Has there no external interference, people will learn naturally but the fucking imperialism and other political forces are keeping the same shit either being democracy or not. Not to mention how the process is a joke which can be manipulated. Like what happened recently in Iraq by burning the papers and boxes because it doesn't serve the imperialist and external interests.
There is no fact as IQ and better people being better as a race. What you view as a fact is not for me.
You can read this and its clearly it is debatable and it was used for racist purposes. Even the word race is debatable and can be viewed as a construct. So just don't jump to the conclusions and try to silence others because being "scientific". You know that everything in science can be debated and falsified unless it is abstract like logic and mathematics. For example, even the scientific classical mechanics has error rate and not completely true and not an "ultimate truth". There is nothing like a static truth even if we talk about natural sciences (which is why science is developing and if there is an ultimate truth there would be no development). Giving psychological or any type of social sciences as a static fact while even the natural ones (which are way more concrete) can be investigated is not scientific at all. There is nothing like "Shut up, I'm scientific and what I say is true and you are not".
You have to accept that not everyone will submit to these constructs and accept it (even in science).
Yes even if you don't consider yourself a racist you promote racism. (see how the intelligence construct was and still used for segregation). Plus as what I said before it is not a concrete term. When I say for example the people from X are tall, this is no racism. Because length is just a physical measurement. But an obscure non-physical construct can't be taken as a static fact that can't be investigated or debated. If you really visited Africa you'll notice how people are different (even if we talk about what we call intelligence), there are high and low ones. And even IQ is varied. (although I'm not talking about IQ). You can see how Africans are very different in the many aspects of life and judging them like that isn't true. There is no fact in calling them less intelligent.
Well, the west got it but at the cost of other regions, colonization of almost every piece of the world which give them resources and then limiting the industrial revolution so it doesn't reach everywhere. (and they didn't get it without reason and with only work, there are previous historical events and they learned from previous civilizations). There were times in the past when Europe was shit and middle east was the location of sciences. When Mongolians invaded Baghdad, they destroyed the whole library which was the biggest in the world and Tigris river was filled with ink.
If this proves anything, it means races and intelligence are not true. There are civilizations and development historically in the whole world. The middle east was full of civilization which some are one of the oldest in the history. How come the grandfathers of whats supposed "inherently low intelligence" become the leading of the knowledge in the past. Not to mention how it influenced Europe which is one of the factors why the west are better nowadays. The west are not inherently better or worse and this can be applied on everywhere in the world.
Dude, you are the one who are silencing others by labels, saying things as scientific as if they are the absolute truth. Silencing discussion? Let's see who is doing that. By saying the concept is racist as I described before and given you the evidence of how these constructs are not true. Truth and facts? Better to go to the countries or do a study on the culture and politics (because its complicated thing and not can be described by stereotypes and pictures). Plus I showed you how the concept is used for racist usages. If you don't use it for racist purposes, many will do and have already done.
What does the chemists have to do with this conversation? Many people everywhere risk their lives why you don't give them credit? Chemistry and other sciences are not a monopoly of the west. All chemists in the whole world will risk their lives. All people who are doing dangerous jobs are risking their lives, this doesn't make anyone better or worse.
And no, who go to the west aren't the best. There are many ways to go there that has nothing to do with this. One can have political ties and some are economically in a good situation which allows them to go. Some are immigrants and this has nothing to do with being the best.f you really care about this particular truth, you can go and investigate these countries and do a study on the whole environment, culture..etc. Thats why many people come to these counties and do studies that sometimes take a lifetime and even local ones like Ali Alwardi in Iraq spent his whole life studying it.
It is no simple matter or little truth. It is a very big collection of many topics including history, politics.
It is up to you to believe or not. As someone who knows these countries and Iived in a third world country myself and spent my life to know whats wrong. I have nothing to add.