well, good luck babe !
- May 18, 2020
- 181
lately i've been really thinking about reaching to two friends i've had in particular. i've had really mixed feelings tho as i am the reason our friendships ended, i ghosted them. they were my only support system and i shut them out bc i didn't know how to deal with myself. it's probably been 1.5-2.5yrs since i spoke to them. i don't know if this is me subconsciously trying to get my ducks in a row before i ctb and if this is selfish of me. i just want to apologize to them. i typed out an apology to one of them but i haven't hit send. i was looking through my name on the unsent project today and i found a post from today that has a nickname one of them gave me when we spoke. idk if i'm just genuinely delusional or i should just say sorry to them or just leave them alone.