À ma manière 🪦
- Aug 18, 2024
- 971
In a world where a smile is often considered the hallmark of happiness, we find ourselves sailing in a sea of apparent tranquility, while internal storms remain hidden in the shadows. Have you ever noticed how many people, even in moments of deep crisis, are quick to put on a mask of serenity? It is both curious and disturbing how complaints, when explored more deeply, turn into a quick attempt to minimize the pain. "No, it's better now!" it becomes a mantra, a way to exorcise the shadows and maintain the appearance of a life in order. But why this incessant need to present a serene face, even when there is a battle going on inside us? This dynamic suggests a profound need to conform to a social narrative that rewards happiness and stigmatizes discomfort. It is as if we are trapped in a grandiose "social masquerade", where the refusal to show our vulnerabilities becomes a kind of protection, but at the same time a heavy burden to carry. I invite you to reflect: are we really free to express our most authentic emotions? Or do we feel forced to wear an armor of happiness? What is the cost of this incessant search for approval and acceptance? Share your experiences and thoughts. Your words could prove to be a beacon of light in this sea of silences and masks.