Cloud Busting
Formerly pinkribbonscars
- Sep 9, 2023
- 462
Life is so boring, monotonous, empty, and stressful without drugs.
The system is rigged. Capitalism is enslaving us. Life is full of inconvenience and pain. I'm always riddled with anxiety and doubts about myself.
On drugs, I'm sexy. Everything is interesting. I love the world.
The problem is on drugs, I do stupid things. I go on benders and lose my mind. I trade gifts and items from the work storage room for drugs. I hang around shady people who steal my shit and fuck up my car, but they give me drugs so why not. I smoke drugs in my car. I abandon all healthy hobbies. I have horrible comedowns. I come into work high and raise eyebrows. But when I'm high, none of it matters cuz I feel great.
I know deep down, a life of trading shit from work and dumpsters, or what I earn as cash back on credit isn't a life worth living. Doing cam work (I haven't yet but have deeply considered it and likely would if I continued using) wouldn't be worth it. It's a temporary chase with no long term rewards.
Life itself is just so boring and I feel like im just distracting myself from the meaningless of it all. It never feels as good as drugs. It's the only distraction that makes me forget I'm distracting myself.
I hope I can find a way to feel whole and confident without drugs. I hate who I am on drugs. But it feels good man. Nothing else compares.
Maybe it's worth fucking my entire life up just to feel good because I'll die anyway so why not? But I know that will never be fulfilling long term.
Will I ever feel fulfilled?
The system is rigged. Capitalism is enslaving us. Life is full of inconvenience and pain. I'm always riddled with anxiety and doubts about myself.
On drugs, I'm sexy. Everything is interesting. I love the world.
The problem is on drugs, I do stupid things. I go on benders and lose my mind. I trade gifts and items from the work storage room for drugs. I hang around shady people who steal my shit and fuck up my car, but they give me drugs so why not. I smoke drugs in my car. I abandon all healthy hobbies. I have horrible comedowns. I come into work high and raise eyebrows. But when I'm high, none of it matters cuz I feel great.
I know deep down, a life of trading shit from work and dumpsters, or what I earn as cash back on credit isn't a life worth living. Doing cam work (I haven't yet but have deeply considered it and likely would if I continued using) wouldn't be worth it. It's a temporary chase with no long term rewards.
Life itself is just so boring and I feel like im just distracting myself from the meaningless of it all. It never feels as good as drugs. It's the only distraction that makes me forget I'm distracting myself.
I hope I can find a way to feel whole and confident without drugs. I hate who I am on drugs. But it feels good man. Nothing else compares.
Maybe it's worth fucking my entire life up just to feel good because I'll die anyway so why not? But I know that will never be fulfilling long term.
Will I ever feel fulfilled?