@Placo maybe you are unconscious by that time though? I'm not sure, hopefully others will have some theories or even know of some NDEs with SN-I'd love to know!
That shouldn't matter. NDEs can occur even under anesthesia. They are altered states of consciousness, so having passed out should not preclude their occurrence. Moreover, I'm pretty sure that passing out happens as a result of vasodilation and not cerebral hypoxia, seeing as that should occur first.
The issue is, I think, someone having an NDE as a result of SN would likely be too far gone, hence they wouldn't be able to report said experience.
Moderate anemia is associated with increased mortality and morbidity, including acute kidney injury (AKI), in surgical patients. A red blood cell (RBC)-specific antibody model was utilized to determine whether moderate subacute anemia could result ...
"These data demonstrate that moderate subacute anemia causes significant renal tissue hypoxia, whereas adaptive cerebrovascular responses limit the degree of cerebral tissue hypoxia."
This is
probably why there is only one known report of brain damage with SN.
A counterpoint to this, I suppose, would be that NDEs
can occur even in the absence of a dying brain - if the situation proves life-threatening enough or is perceived as such by the NDEr.
It may also be that they are more likely for certain modes of death than others.